Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Special Cover on legacy of Homeopathy

Homeopathy as a system of medicine is about two hundred years old. It was started in Germany by Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann. It came to India in 1810. Of these two hundred years, the Banerji family of Bengal has been associated with it for over hundred and fifty years.

The story began with Pandit Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar (Banerji), Sanskrit scholar, educator and reformer who once suffered from intense migraine headaches and was treated in Kolkata by homeopathic medicines prescribed by Babu Rajen Dutta. Vidyasagar was so impressed by the results that he persuaded his brother, Ishan Chandra, to take an interest in this treatment form, and take up the learning of homeopathy and treat the very poor of their village as a charitable enterprise. It was taken forward by Pareshnath, Ishanchandra’s son who is better known as Dr. P. Banerji of Mihijam. Pareshnath’s son Prasanta, and his son, Pratip are still carrying on the legacy.

The Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation (PBHRF) was set up by Banerji family in 1993 with the aim to include Homeopathy as a scientific and effective mode of Alternative Medicine. PBHRF is an accredited Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (SIRO) by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Government of India.

To celebrate magnificent journey of the Banerji family influencing and contributing to the world of Homeopathy a function was organized at Kolkata on 22nd August 2016. On this occasion a Special Cover on 150 years of Homeopathy into the Banerji family was released by Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Hon'ble President of India and Hon'ble Shri Keshari Nath Tripathi, The Governor of West Bengal in presence of Ms. Arundhati Ghosh, Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle.


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