Friday, 14 October 2016

Implementation of CSI roll out in Karnataka Circe

Implementation of CSI roll out in Karnataka Circle

National Federation of Postal Employees

1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771 e-mail:
Mob: 9868819295/9810853981 website:

No.PF-67-11/2016 Dated : 14th October ,2016

Shri. B. V. Sudhakar
Department of Posts
DakBhawan, New Delhi – 110001

Sub: - Implementation of CSI roll out in Karnataka Circle – regarding.

It is learnt that the Department is proposing to implement CSI roll out in a few divisions in Karnataka Circle before December 2016. In this connection I would like to intimate that the CSI Pilot roll out in Mysore division is not working smoothly as several problems are yet to be set right.

Around 15 problems are still existing in Mysore division which are furnished below for your kind notice.

1. POS-pin code directory not updated resulting in delay.
2. Speed Post amount not rounded off to rupee in bulk booking.
3. Details of declaration every time is to fed in bulk foreign article.
4. Post box updation not happening immediately and amount not included in pod cash.
5. Redirected emos not allowed to issue to postman.
6. Data not recd for BPCODs.
7. Cancelled emos also comes for payment.
8. Sale of some new stamps not happening in SAP.
9. Not allow to rebook proof of delivery of speed articles booked by high court New Delhi for which amount for rebooking pod collected in advance while booking speed post articles.
10. IVPS-not allows to close single bag to redirected/Rtd to sender regd articles, many bags with 2/3 articles to be closed.
11. Cod redirection not provided.
12. dpms-fetching not happening RMS not switched on to CSI.
13. PLI collection inclusion automatically not happening. Done thr’o voucher posting.
14. Tracking of articles not happening in India post web
15. In addition to these many problems not resolved in SAP which is a hard nut to crack which designed for software professionals.

Since the CSI pilot roll out in Mysore division is not working satisfactorily, the business in the division has also come down resulting in loss of revenue to the department.

I earnestly request you not to implement the project in other divisions till such time all the issues are set right in Mysore division. The implementation of the roll out may kindly be deferred in the interest of department and staff. We have no objection for implementing the project once all the problems noticed are set right. A line in reply on the nature of action taken may kindly be intimated.

With regards
Yours faithfully,

(R. N. Parashar)
Secretary General
Copy to: -Com. Janakiraman, Circle Secretary, AIPEU Group ‘C’, Karnataka Circle

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