Thursday, 27 October 2016

Minutes of the Meeting of ''India Posts’ Retired Officers’ Association''

Minutes of the Meeting of ''India Posts’ Retired Officers’ Association''
          The meeting of “India Posts Retired Officers’ Association” was held on Saturday the 22nd October 2016 in the Conference Hall of Dadar IQ, Dadar HO building 5th floor Dadar (East) Mumbai 400014 under the Chairmanship of Shri R Ganesan Ex-Secretary  to Govt. of India, Director General, Department of Posts New-Delhi and Hon’ble President of the Association.
2)  Following  members were present in the meeting.
         1    Ms. Humera Ahmed -------  Vice President
2   Shri U.P.C.Tauro---------------Secretary
3  Shri W S Janbandhu-----------Organising Secretary
4  Shri SV Narayankar----------- Organising Secretary
5.Shri V.L.Raichur-----------------Member
6.Shri S.P.Sardal-------------------Member
7.Shri S.A.Siwal---------------------Member
8. Shri Bacchan Prasad-------------Member
9. Shri N M Tikekar---------------   Member
10. Shri K.N.Kulkarni---------------Member
11. Shri D.B.Kadam-----------------Member
12.Shri T.B.Waydande------------Member
13.Shri P.C.Gayakwad-------------Member
14.Shri M.S.Nimje------------------Member
15.Shri K.P.Katdare-----------------Member
16.Shri R.S.Rajan------------------- Member
17.Shri P.R.Meshram---------------Member
18.Mrs Baby Rajgopalan-----------Member
19.Mrs V.Mallika --------------------Member
20.Mrs K.Saraswati------------------Member
21 .Shri G.D.Patil----------------------Member
22.Shri B.G.Hande--------------------Member
23.Shri M.J.Joshi----------------------Member
24.Shri B.S.Torave--------------------Member

2) At the outset, Shri S P Sardal   welcomed Chairman, vice-chairman, and all members of the Association who were present in the meeting.
3) Thereafter,   Shri R Ganesan Ex-Secretary to Govt. of India, Director General, Posts New-Delhi and President of the Association addressed all members. In his presidential address, he mentioned that he is happy to see an increasing strength of the Association. He appreciated the efforts made by Shri Tauro Secretary to mobilize and garner the support of members. He emphasized that all other members would also contribute the same for the augmenting the strength of Association. He further highlighted the outcome of 7th Pay Commission and stated that   the rise in the pension is the historically lowest in the past seventy years. He expressed his displeasure about its benefits to  the Pensioners which are inadequate in the present scenario  to meet the rise in prices of essential commodities  day by day and very difficult to struggle for Dignity, Healthcare  and Social security. At last, he thanked all members for their presence in the meeting.
4.Shri Janbandhu W S welcomed new members present in the meeting for the first time .He introduced Mr N M Tikekar who runs Pensioners Association@ Mulund for more than a decade  and had a membership of more than 150.He referred Mr P C Gaykwad,Ms V..Mallika, Mr K.N.Kulkarni from MMS,Mr D.B.Kadam &  Mr M J Joshi.
5. Ms. Humera Ahmed Vice-President presented a bunch of books to Shri R Ganesan President for its release. After release of books written by her they were given to the members. Members who could not get a copy, requested her for additional copies which would be monitored by Shri Tauro for its supply. On the occasion, Ms. Humera Ahmed talked about the background and purpose of writing the book which envisages the identification, existence and significant importance of Post Offices. She read out comments received through e-mail stating a value of book.
6.Smt Baby Rajgopalan gave a talk on the academic facilities available to Veterans at Indira Gandhi National Open University. She also distributed pamphlets of IGNOU containing information of Open Admission for Master Degree, Bachelor Degree, PG Diploma and Diploma Certificate brought out by IGNOU. She requested members to take an advantage of this facility to advance their academic qualification & also to spread awareness amongst the friends & neighbours about the facilities available at IGNOU. She also assured the members of her assistance to enroll.

7.Shri U.P.C.Tauro Secretary of the Association informed all the members that  the minutes of the last meeting held on 06/04/2016 at at Bungalow No 7/01 Sanjay Gandhi National Park Western Express Highway, Borivali East Mumbai 400066 were circulated to all members & also posted in Associations’ Blog As such the minutes of the last meeting were got ratified unanimously.
8. Shri U.P.C.Tauro Secretary of the Association informed the house that only one proposal was received on motto of the Association i.e.from Shri R Ganesan Hon’ble President of the Association. The proposal was circulated to all the members by the President as well as by him through email as well a copy was distributed in the folder. It is said that the sign of growth is in caring and sharing The motto of Association Care*Share*Welfarewas unanimously approved. This is in keeping with our view that we join hands for the welfare of all our members.
While talking about motto for IPROA, Hon’ble President considered it as “Shanti/Inner Peace/Tranquility by caring and sharing ”.He further suggested our motto of Association be incorporated with words Care*Share*Welfarebelow the logo of the Association. For this purpose, Shri S.V.Narayankar would request Smt Geethe Bhatt to assist in arranging the motto below the Logo and present before the next meeting.
9.Regarding drafting of Memorandum to the Government of India giving our concerns for not granting the benefits of OROP to the Pensioners of Pre 6th Pay Commission Shri  U.P.C.Tauro Secretary of the Association informed the house that during the Meeting of the Committee set up to examine the feasibility of implementation of recommendation of 7th CPC for revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners-held on 17/10/2016 the Official Side again stressed that option No.1 is not feasible of implementation because of non-availability of records of lot many retirees. However, after discussion the Staff Side welcomed the alternative suggested by Official Side in the meeting held on 06th October 2016 and, gave following suggestions.
“The Pensioners/family pensioners may be allowed to choose any one of the following three options:-
(a) 2.57 time of the present pension if that is beneficial.
(b) Option No.1. Recommended by the 7th CPC, if that is beneficial for them.
(c) to determine the Pension on the basis of the suggestion placed by the Pension Department on 6.10.2016 i.e. extension of the benefit of pension determination recommended by the 5th CPC (viz. arriving at notional pay in the 7th CPC by applying formula for pay revision for serving employees in each Pay Commission and consequent pension fixation) to all pre-20I6 Pensioners/family pensioners, if that becomes beneficial to them.”

The Official Side had given assurance to examine the proposal. It was unanimously agreed to wait till outcome of the report of the Committee. It was also informed to the house that during the Meeting on Allowances held with Unions/Associations on 19/10/2016 it was  requested to raise the  Fixed Medical Allowance @ Rs 2000/- per month. 

10.Tea & delicious snacks were served. The Association is grateful to Ms Humera Ahmed Vice President of the Association for delicious snacks & tea
11 After tea-break, Members were requested to share their experiences they had come across during their long spell of active service. Shri S.P.Sardal narrated how long pending disciplinary case of North East Division for which repeated reminders were being received from Directorate was solved while functioning as VO. by the support of Senior Officers. Mr MJ Joshi spoke his experiences in RMS and how he cleared the IP Exam. All the members enjoyed with joy and laugh.
12 Shri Harish Agarwal Hon’ble Chief Postmaster General Maharashtra & Goa Circle surprised all the members of the Association by his presence. Shri W.S. Janbandhu welcomed him.
13. In his address Shri Harish Agarwal Hon’ble Chief Postmaster General Maharashtra & Goa Circle wishing the Association all success requested the members to assist the present administration by pointing out the shortfalls if any.
14.The next meeting of the Association was proposed to be held on Saturday the 11th February 2017 at Thane in Butterflies fields & Yevoor. Shri T.B Waydande & Shri B.G.Hande will assist the Secretary to fix the venue & to work out individual contribution from the members. In the meantime it was gathered that the season of butterflies is November& December. In view of this it is proposed to pre pone the get together on Saturday the 10th December 2016.If there is any objection from the members they are free to raise.
15. The meeting concluded at 5.00pm with a vote of thanks by Shri  S A Siwal with a special mention of new members who had participated in the meeting.
Wishing all the members and their families “Happy Diwali"                                                                                                         

      President                                                                                                  Secretary

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