Friday, 25 November 2016

Allowances in 7th Pay Commission: Additional Points by BPMS for meeting

Allowances in 7th Pay Commission: Additional Points by BPMS for meeting

REF: BPMS / MOD / 07th CPC / Allowances / 251A (8/2/M)
Dated: 23.11.2016

The Dy Secretary (CP),
Govt of India, Min of Defence, Sena Bhawan, DHQ PO,
New Delhi 110011

Subject: Meeting on Allowances: View points of BPMS

Reference: This federation’s letter of even no. dated 15.11.2016

Respected Sir,

With due regards, your attention is invited to power point presentation in the meeting held on 18.11.2016 under the chairmanship of Defence Secretary on the allowances payable on the recommendations of 7th CPC.

Some of the following issues raised during the meeting, need to be considered by the committee in addition to the points mentioned by BPMS vide letter cited under reference:

1. Extra Work Allowance (Chapter No. 8.3) (Para 8.3.23):

(a) Caretaking Allowance (Para 8.3.20) at the rate of 10% of Basic Pay is being paid to Group ‘C’ Staff. Now 7th CPC has recommended for 2% of Basic Pay per month. It is demanded that this Caretaking Allowance should also be admissible to Defence Civilians performing the similar duties.

(a) Professional Update Allowance (Para 8.4.7): This allowance should be extended to Group ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’ incumbents engaged in Ordnance Development Centre (OFB), Group ‘B’ & ‘C’ of DRDO and Laboratory Technicians in Pathology of Govt Hospitals.

(a) Holiday Monetary Compensation (Para 8.6.6): Group ‘B’ Gazetted Supervisory Staff (Junior Works Manager) in Ord Fys have to work on Sunday and other holidays. This allowance should be extended to this Cadre also.

4. Qualification Allowance (Chapter 8.9)

(a) Air Worthiness Certificate Allowance (Para 8.9.5): At present this allowance is being paid to Technical Tradesman in Aircraft trade @ Rs. 225/- to 450/-per month. But their Civilian counterparts are not granted this allowance. This should be looked into.

(a) Boiler Watch Keeping Allowance (Para 8.10.7): Presently it is admissible to Boiler Watch Keepers on Naval Ships @ Rs. 3000/- per month. Similar nature of work is performed by the Boiler Attendants of Ord Fys. Hence, this allowance should be admissible to Boiler Attendants of OFB.

(b) Field Area Allowance (Para 8.10.18): This allowance is granted to Defence, CAPF and Indian Coast Guard. Civilian counterparts of Ministry of Defence should also be granted the Field Area Allowance.

(c) Operation Theatre Allowance (Para 8.10.35): This allowance @ Rs. 240/ per month is granted to Staff Nurse in Central Government Hospitals, who work in ICU/Operation Theatre. This federation is not agree with the 7th CPC’s recommendation (Para 8.10.80) to abolish this allowance as the amount is meagre rate. Hence, this allowance should be continued and enhanced.

(d) Submarine Technical Allowance (Para 8.10.54): It is granted to Naval Artificers and Mechanicians for the period they are deployed for submarine maintenance duties. The present rate is 2300 pm. Civilian counterparts of Navy should also be granted this allowance.

6. Allowance related to Travel (Chapter 8.15)

(a) Daily Allowance (Para 8.15.15): The 7th CPC has recommended for reimbursement of Travelling Charges for Level 5 and below at the rate of Rs. 113 per day. This is very meagre amount. Hence, it should be enhanced to Rs. 200 per day.

(b) TA on Transfer (Para 8.15.41): The 7th CPC has recommended for `reimbursement of charges on transportation of personal effects’ at the rate of Rs. 25 per km for Level 5 and Rs. 15 per km for Level 4 and below category. It is not understandable how a transporter will discriminate among the employees of different categories for rate for transportation by road. Hence, it is demanded that the rate for transportation by road should be equal for all categories of employees.

This is submitted for your kind consideration and necessary action.

Thanking you.
Sincerely yours

Secretary/BPMS & Member,
JCM-II Level Council (MOD)

Source –

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