Saturday, 26 November 2016

BPMS demands to increase income tax exemption to Rs 8 Lakhs

Agitational Programme to be held from 05.12.2016 to 09.12.2016

Income tax exemption limit (tax free income) should be extended to Rs 8,00,000/-

HRA should be paid @ 35, 25 and 15% of pay

REF: BPMS/Cir/17th TC/ 11 
Dated: 02.11.2016
The President/General Secretary
Unions Affiliated to the Federation
& Office Bearers & Executive Committee Members

Subject: Agitational Programme to be held from 05.12.2016 to 09.12.2016.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
It is hoped that all of you are well and busy in accelerating trade union activities. Under the banner of Government Employees National Confederation, we continuously demanded for removal of anomalies related to pay fixation, bonus, income tax, recommendations of Pay Commissions but the Governments did not pay any heed to our genuine demands and it is leading discontentment amongst the employees. Therefore, Government Employees National Confederation has decided that all the constituent Federation of GENC will observe an agitation programme throughout the country from 05.12.2016 to 09.12.2016.

Being a constituent of GENC, this federation BPMS has decided that all the affiliated unions will organize agitation programme from 05.12.2016 to 09.12.2016 like Gate Meeting, Slogan Shouting, Dharna etc. On 09.12.2016 a memorandum should be submitted to their respective Heads of the establishment addressed to Hon’ble Prime Minister of India mentioning the following demands:

1. Minimum Pay should be fixed Rs 24,000/- and fitment formula should be 3.42 in place of 2.57.

2. Under MACP Scheme, 05 financial upgradation should be granted in promotional hierarchy in the service of 30 years.

3. Annual Increment should be @ 5% in place of 3%.

4. The Benchmark ‘very good’ should be abolished for granting of promotion, financial upgradation and annual increment.

5. The Grade pay of Group ‘C’ Rs 1900/- and Rs 2000/- should be merged and upgraded to Rs 2400/-.

6. HRA should be paid @ 35, 25 and 15% of pay.

7. New Pension Scheme should be scraped. 

8. FDI should be scraped in Defence and Railway.

9. Bonus should be calculated on Rs 18,000/- in place of 7,000/- because minimum pay has been enhanced from 7,000/- to 18,000/-.

10. Income tax exemption limit (tax free income) should be extended to Rs 8,00,000/-.

11. The wards of employees died in harness should be guaranteed with 100% compassionate ground appointments.

Thanking you 

Sincerely yours

General Secretary

Copy to:
1- The General Secretary BMS, New Delhi
2- Shri K.N.Sharma, I/C BPMS, Lucknow For information
3- The Secretary General, GENC, Kanpur

Source: BPMS

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