Sunday, 27 November 2016

W.B.Government will take strict action for absence on 28th& 29th November due to "Bharat Bundh"

W.B.Government will take strict action for absence on 28th& 29th November due to "Bharat Bundh" 

Now, the Governor has been pleased to decide that absence of employees on those dates will be treated as dies non and no salary will be admissible unless such absence is covered by grounds as mentioned in Finance Department Memorandum No. 2013-F(P)dated 06.03.2012 which are reproduced below:

a) Hospitalisation of the employee 

b) Bereavement in the family 

c} Severe illness and absence continuing from before 

d) Employees who had been on Child Care Leave, Maternity Leave, Medical Leave and Earned Leave Sanctioned and continuing prior to issue of this order 

e) Compelling reasons of similar nature, where the employees could not report for duty for circumstances beyond his/her control. (Specific reasons with documentary proof will have to be furnished in each case).
It is mentioned here that dislocation of traffic will not be a reason for granting leave"

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