DoPT has issued an OM regarding Introduction of New Recruitment Rules
F.No. Misc-14017/19/2016-Estt.(RR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Estt. RR Division
Department of Personnel and Training
Estt. RR Division
North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 08th Dec, 2016
Dated: 08th Dec, 2016
Subject: Launching/Introduction of New Recruitment Rules Formulation, Amendment
Monitoring System (RRFAMS) Portal - reg.
At present, the proposals for framing/amendment of RRs are first processed in the on-line mode through RRFAMS portal. The proposal received on this portal is scrutinized in DOP&T and preliminary observations are conveyed through the system. Thereafter the Ministries/Departments send their proposals along with comments received in the RRFAMS and necessary Annexure, hierarchy chart etc. in the physical file.
2. It has been decided to launch a fully computerized/online system of examination of RRs and to dispense with the requirement of sending physical file to DOP&T. This system would further be extended in future so that a similar on line scrutiny/approval of the proposal of framing/amendment of RRs are undertaken by UPSC and DOLA without the need reference of physical file for finalization of RRs.
3. In this regard the existing RRFAMS system has been upgraded and following new features have been added:
(ii) Hierarchy chart
(iii) On line system for examination and approval of RRs for Group ‘C’ posts within the Ministry.
4. Before the launch of the above portal, it has been decided to have a preparatory meeting wherein a trial run of the new system will be made. All the Ministries/Departments are requested to nominate a nodal officer at the level of Under Secretary who may bring the relevant proposal along with all necessary documents to fill-up the proposal on the new RRFAMS portal, as per the schedule given in Annexure.
(G. Jayanthi)
Director (E-I)
Schedule of the meeting to be taken by Joint Secretary (Establishment) before the launch of new RRFAMS portal (Venue Room No. 190, North Block New Delhi) | ||
S.No. | Ministries starting with alphabets | Date and Time |
1. | A-E | 18th December, 2016 at 4:30 PM |
2. | F-P | 20th December, 2016 at 4:30 PM |
3. | Q-Z | 22nd December, 2016 at 4:30 PM |
Download DoPT OM No.Misc-14017/19/2016-Estt.(RR) dated 08.12.2016
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