Tuesday 3 January 2017

GS AIAIPASP writes to Secretary Posts on LDCE held on 18.12.2016 for promotion to the cadre of P.S Group ‘B’

GS AIAIPASP writes to Secretary Posts on LDCE held on 18.12.2016 for promotion to the cadre of P.S Group ‘B’

No. CHQ/AIAIASP/PS Gr. B Exam 12-17/2016 Dated : 3/1/2017

Shri B. V. Sudhakar,
Secretary (Posts),
Department of Posts, 
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg, 
New Delhi 110 001. 

Sub: Conduct of LDCE on 18.12.2016 for promotion to the cadre of P.S Group ‘B’ from the vacancy year 2012–13 onwards---Regarding cancellation of examination proceedings. 

Ref : Directorate Notification No. A-34012/8/2016-DE dated 07th October 2016

Respected Sir,
With profound regards your kind attention is invited to this Association’s letters No. CHQ/AIAIASP/PS Gr. B Exam/2016 dated 19/10/2016 and CHQ/AIAIASP/PS Gr. B Exam 12-17/2016 dated 17/11/2016 whereby it was requested to re-visit your decision of conducting the LDCE for the promotion to the PS Gr. B cadre for the vacancy year 2012-13 onwards. 

In this context, it is once again bring to your kind notice that this Association has time to time brought to the Directorate’s notice vide letter No. CHQ/IPASP/CRC/2012 dated 15/7/2013, 19/11/2013, 6/1/2014, 17/4/2014, 16/5/2014, 21/6/2014, 29/8/2014, 9/2/2015, 9/3/2015, 7/11/2015, 10/3/2016 to revise the recruitment rules of PS Gr. B cadre and conduct LDCE for PS Gr. B for the year 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 separately year wise. But all of sudden, Directorate has decided to conduct a single exam, for the vacancy years 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 and notified the same vide letter dated 07.10.2016. The schedule of the examination was also not published in calendar of examination for the year 2016. All IPs/ASPs eligible for the year 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 have, thus, lost their chances of appearing in the examination against respective years vacancies separately. Furthermore, candidates who appeared in the examination on 18/12/2016 have noticed many omissions / irregularities in the question papers and preparation of holding of examination at various centres for which they are seeking appropriate remedies available to them. 

Sir, as you aware that due to holding of single examination for the vacancies for the year 2012 to 2016, numbers of CAT cases cropped up at various benches in the country, besides filing up Writ Petitions in High Courts by members of this Association and other cadre staff. The outcome of these CAT/WP cases are awaited and thereafter also there is no guarantee that matter would be resolved or would linger on up to APEX level.

To overcome this situation it is suggested that, the entire proceedings of the LDCE for the promotion to the cadre of PS Gr. B held on 18/12/2016 may be cancelled and committee headed by the officer of rank of HAG+ may be nominated to examine the issue in depth so as to decide as to how the pending examinations would be conducted to give fair and proper justice to the aspirants as demanded by them in various CAT/Court cases.

In order to obviate complexity of the issue, this association, respectfully urged upon the Department to approve the suggestion put forth in aforesaid para and cancel the entire proceedings of the LDCE held on 18/12/2016.

Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,

(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary.

Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to :-
Shri S. V. Rao, Director (DE), Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110 001.


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