Sunday, 19 February 2017

Direct Benefit Transfer for the schemes under DOPT – Notification under Section 7 of Aadhaar Act, 2016 for identified schemes of DoPT

Direct Benefit Transfer for the schemes under DOPT – Notification under Section 7 of Aadhaar Act, 2016 for identified schemes of DoPT

DoPT has issued a Notification for Direct Benefit Transfer for the schemes under DOPT
(Department of Personnel and Training)
New Delhi, the 15th February, 2017
S.O. 455(E).—Whereas, the use of Aadhaar as identity document for delivery of services or benefits or subsidies simplifies the Government delivery processes, brings in transparency and efficiency, and enables beneficiaries to get their entitlements directly in a convenient and seamless manner and Aadhaar obviates the need for producing multiple documents to prove one’s identity;
And whereas, the schemes specified in the Table below involve expenditure incurred from the consolidated fund of India;
Sl. No. Name of the Scheme Eligible beneficiaries / Service enablers for the purpose of Direct Benefit Transfer
1Conduct of Yoga Classes at Grih Kalyan KendrasYoga Instructors
2Annual Grant to Grih Kalyan KendrasStaff of Grih Kalyan Kendras
3Assistance for come and play schemeGovernment employees availing the facility
4Coaching Academies and summer camps by the Central Civil Services Cultural and Sports BoardCoaches
Now, therefore, in pursuance of the provisions of section 7 of the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016 (18 of 2016) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), the Central Government in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of Personnel and Training hereby notified the following, namely:––
1. (1) Individuals (eligible beneficiaries or service enablers) desirous of availing benefits under the schemes specified in the Table above are hereby required to furnish proof of possession of Aadhaar or undergo Aadhaar authentication.
(2) An individual desirous of availing benefits under the schemes specified in the above Table and is not yet enrolled for Aadhaar shall have to apply for Aadhaar enrolment by 28th February, 2017, in case he is entitled to obtain Aadhaar as per the provisions of section 3 of said Act and such individual may visit any Aadhaar enrolment center (list available at to get enrolled for Aadhaar.
(3) As per regulation 12 of the Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) Regulations, 2016, Grih Kalyan Kendras and the Central Civil Services Cultural and Sports Board are required to offer enrolment facilities for the beneficiaries who are not yet enrolled for Aadhaar and in absence of such Aadhaar enrolment centers located in the vicinity, the Grih Kalyan Kendras and the Central Civil Services Cultural and Sports Board may provide enrolment facilities at convenient locations in coordination with the existing Registrars of UIDAI or may provide Aadhaar enrolment facilities by becoming UIDAI Registrar:
Provided that till the time Aadhaar is assigned to the individual, benefits under the said schemes shall be given to the individual, subject to the production of the following documents, namely:––
(a) (i) Aadhaar enrolment ID slip if he or she has enrolled; or
(ii) a copy of request made for Aadhaar enrolment as specified in sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 2; and
(b) (i) Bank Passbook along with Photo; or (ii) Voter’s ID card; or (iii) PAN card; or (iv) Passport; or (v) Driving License; or (vi) Ration card; or (vii) Photo ID card issued by the Government:
Provided further that the above said documents shall be checked by an officer, specifically designated by Grih Kalyan Kendras and the Central Civil Services Cultural and Sports Board, for their respective schemes.
2. (1) In order to provide convenient and hassle free delivery of benefits, Grih Kalyan Kendras and the Central Civil Services Cultural and Sports Board shall make all the arrangements including wide publicity through notices shall be given to service enablers or beneficiaries to make them aware of the requirements of Aadhaar to receive the benefits under the said schemes and in case they are not enrolled, they may be advised to get themselves enrolled at the nearest enrolment centers by 28th February, 2017.
(2) In case beneficiaries are not able to enroll due to non availability of enrolment centers in the vicinity, Grih Kalyan Kendras and Central Civil Services Cultural and Sports Board are required to create enrolment facilities at convenient locations by coordinating with UIDAI Registrars. The beneficiaries may be requested to register their request for enrolment by giving their details, such as, name, address, mobile number, etc., to Grih Kalyan Kendras and Central Civil Services Cultural and Sports Board .
3. This notification shall come into effect from the date of its publication in all the States except the States of Assam, Meghalaya and Jammu and Kashmir.
[F. No. 1194940/CWO/2016-DBT CELL]

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