Thursday 16 February 2017

Humour: Govt organizations ask ISRO to stop maligning their image by working so hard

Humour: Govt organizations ask ISRO to stop maligning their image by working so hard

New Delhi. Government establishments all over the country have come up in arms against Indian Space Research Organisation, which recently launched a record 104 satellites in one shot. A bunch of angry LBI (Lunch Bank of India) employees protested against ISRO, saying that the space organization was bringing a bad name to government institutions by working so hard.

Speaking to our reporter, an LBI employee complained, “If one government organization delivers terrific results, it creates undue pressure on others. If ISRO keeps on breaking one record after the other and setting unrealistic standards for government institutions to follow, we will be left with no choice but to sever all ties with it, just like we ostracized all those hardworking colleagues of ours.”
A lazy sarkari babu too joined in and complained, “Because of ISRO, people look down on us and whine that we do not do any work. Someone should tell such people that sipping 7 cups of tea and knitting sweaters during official hours are also as herculean tasks as launching satellites into outer space. The difference is that ISRO guys concentrate on launch, while we concentrate on lunch.”

A section of Indian rail delays also did not seem happy with ISRO’s work ethic. “We cannot run trains as efficiently as they launch satellites. This forces us to work harder and raise our level, which we totally dislike. We request ISRO to be laid back and follow the norms of a ‘typical’ government organization,” a rain delay official appealed.

Students preparing for government exams (so that they can live a relaxed and chilled out life in future) were also stunned by the hard work carried out by ISRO on a regular basis. “My father told me to crack a government exam so that my life will be smooth and I will never be burdened with work, but the things that I am hearing about ISRO do not add up with what I was told about government organizations. ISRO is like that proverbial Sharmaji’s kid for other government institutions,” a student concluded.


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