Thursday, 23 February 2017

India Post Payment Bank's (IPPB) main exam results for recruitment to be out soon

India Post Payment Bank's (IPPB) main exam results for recruitment to be out soon


The India Post Payment Bank (IPPB) is all set to announce the results of main exams conducted to recruit for 650 assistant manager posts in JMG Scale I.  The main examination was conducted as per schedule on January 29, 2017.

The newly formed payments bank by India Post had announced the recruitment drive in the month of October 2016. The drive saw a huge response and several hundreds successfully registered for it.
Preliminary exams were conducted for two days on January 7 and 8, 2017.  Eligible candidates who cleared the examinations were shortlisted for the mains. Results of the candidates who are finally selected for the last step of the process, i.e. interview, will be made available on the IPPB's website this week.
The new appointees will be remunerated as follows:

Pay scale, allowances and perquisites as applicable
Pay scale
Approximate total monthly CTC
Rs. 23,700 – Rs. 42,020
Rs. 65,000

IPPB officer scale I mains results

Candidates can check the results from the official website as soon as the results are declared.
Step-by-step guide on how to check the mains results:

1.      Log on to the official website
2.      Click on IPPB Officer Scale I Mains results on the homepage, or
3.      Click on Opportunities tab, and press IPPB Officer Scale I Mains Result tab
4.      Enter all the required details such as roll number and date of birth in the provided fields
5.      Click on submit button
6.      Check the results that appear on the screen
7.      Download and take a printout for further reference
Eligibility criteria 

Interested candidates for the assistant manager posts in JMG Scale I had to be born not before September 2, 1986 and not later than September 1, 1996 (both dates inclusive), i.e. the age limit prescribed was between 20 to 30 years as on September 1, 2016. Maximum age indicated is for general category candidates. Applicants belonging to SC, ST and OBC category or those falling under PWD and ex-servicemen categories were eligible for age relaxation as per the Government of India guidelines.
The candidate had to be a graduate in any discipline and from University/ Institution/ Board recognized by the Government of India (or) approved by a Government Regulatory Body.
IPPB also considered the candidates who fulfilled the minimum education qualification and with postal services or sales of financial products/ rural banking/ with experience as Business Correspondent for banks.
Application process 

Interested candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria had to apply online though the official website and no other mode of application was accepted. Candidates had to make the payment of requisite fees / intimation charges through online mode as well.

Category of applicant
Application fee
SC/ST/PWD (Only intimation charges)
Rs. 150
For all others
Rs. 700.00

Qualified candidates are to be selected through a selection process comprising: (i) preliminary examination (ii) main examination (iii) interview. The final selection shall be made on the basis of interview.
The important dates were as follows:

On-line registration including edit/modification of application by candidates
October 4 to October 25, 2016
Online payment of application fees
October 4 to October 25, 2016
Download of call letters for preliminary examination
January 1, 2017
Dates of preliminary examination (Online)
January 7 and 8, 2017
Download of call letters for main examination
January 20, 2017
Dates of main examination (Online)
January 29, 2017

Selection procedure 

Preliminary examination was an online test conducted for an hour with a total of 100 questions from English, reasoning and quantitative aptitude sections. The structure of the preliminary examination

Name of test
No of Qs
Maximum marks
English language
Composite time of 1 hour
Reasoning ability
Quantitative aptitude
1 hour

Candidates had to qualify in each of the three tests by securing cut-off marks to be decided by IPPB. Depending upon requirements, IPPB shortlisted candidates for the online main examination. The structure of the main examination:

Name of tests (Not by sequence)
No of Questions
Maximum Marks
Medium of Exam
Time allotted for each test
English & Hindi
40 minutes
English language
30 minutes
Computer knowledge
English & Hindi
10 minutes
General awareness (with special reference to banking)
English & Hindi
20 minutes
Quantitative aptitude
English & Hindi
40 minutes

140 minutes
Candidates who have been shortlisted in the main examination for IPPB will subsequently be called for an Interview to be conducted by IPPB. Interviews will be conducted at select centres. The centre, address of the venue, and time and date of Interview will be informed to the shortlisted candidates in the call letter. Candidates are required to download their interview call letters from the website.
The total marks allotted for Interview are 100. The minimum qualifying marks in interview will not be less than 40% (35% for SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates). While appearing for the Interview, the candidate should produce valid prescribed documents. In the absence of documents candidature of the candidates shall be cancelled.
The weightage (ratio) of mains and interview will be 80:20 respectively. The combined final score of candidates shall be arrived at on the basis of scores obtained by the candidates in the main examination and interview.

IPPB recruitment 

The bank has been scouting for enthusiastic and committed banking and payments technology professionals. In the current phase, the 100% owned undertaking of the Department of Posts, Government of India, is looking at recruiting about 3,500 personnel across the country in the next few months.

About IPPB

A proposed state-owned commercial bank in India, IPPB was incorporated as a public limited company under the Department of Posts, Government of India on August 17, 2016.
IPPB became India's first-ever financial institution to crowd-source its brand identity According to official sources, almost 5000 entries were received from citizens for the logo and tagline contest conducted.
Currently, the bank is using the existing network of the public-sector postal service - India Post. As proposed by the task force, the existing Post Office Savings Bank (POSB) will continue to run parallel to the new bank initially. Later, it will be merged with the bank.
On January 30, 2017, IPPB inaugurated branches in Ranchi and Raipur. The objective of the bank is to establish nation-wide presence by the end of the year.

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