Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Introduction of SPARROW for CSS officers - completion of various tasks

Introduction of SPARROW for CSS officers - completion of various tasks

Introduction of SPARROW for CSS officers - completion of various tasks

No. 22/10/2015/CS-I(APAR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of personnel & Training

2nd Floor, Loknayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi
Dated the 22nd February, 2017

Subject: Introduction of SPARROW for CSS officers - completion of various tasks- reg .

The undersigned is directed to say that 'SPARROW' has been introduced for recording on-line APARs for Deputy Secretary and above level officers in CSS and equivalent levels in CSSS from the financial year 2015-16.

2. The time-limits for performing various activities on the 'SPARROW' system were extended vide this Department's Office memorandum of even number dated 27th May, 2016. The window for 'SPARROW' CSS was closed on 31st December, 2016. A number of Ministries/Departments requested for reopening of this window for completion of various tasks in the system. Therefore, the window for 'SPARROW' (CSS) has been re-opened on the request of these departments to facilitate the nodal officers to take action in the 'SPARROW' system as per the extended date-line.

3. However, it is clarified that the dates extended beyond 1 sl January,2017 are for taking necessary action for dealing with representations, disposal of representations and similar actions on the part of the nodal officers. Dates for recording of APARs would be same as contained in the Office Memorandum dated 27th May, 2016.

4. It is also reiterated that as per instructions of this Department, APARs of CSS officers are required to be uploaded on CSCMS. Hard copy of the APARs generated on SPARROW will be kept in CS-I Division/CS-II Division. It would not be practicably possible for these Divisions to download all the APARs from 'SPARROW' and then keep them in the relevant APAR folders including their uploading in the CSCMS system.
5. It is, therefore, requested that Ministries/Departments may ensure following action at their end for efficient management of APARs generated in the 'SPARROW' system :
i) To complete the task required at their end in the SPARROW system before the aforesaid date.
ii) To download the APARs generated online on 'SPARROW' and to upload PDF files in CSCMS.
iii) The PDF files so downloaded from SPARROW may be sent to this Department for custody.
6. In addition the details of hard copies of APARs (other than on-line mode), giving justification for not recording the APAR through 'SPARROW' may be sent to this department.
(Chandra Shekhar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
All Ministries/Departments for (CSS) & (CSSS)
Copy to DS (CS-II) for information.

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