Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Stop Placing of Personalized ATM Debit Card with immediate effect

Stop Placing of Personalized ATM Debit Card with immediate effect

Stop Placing of Personalized ATM Debit Card with immediate effect

This is in continuation of this office email regarding non-printing of personalized cards wef 02.12.16 due to non-availability of plastic cards. However, it is noticed that still SOLs are placing personalized card requests and as on date SOLs have placed 5479 personalized card requests from 02.12.16 to 20.02.17.

If SOL places personalized card request then the same cannot be printed due to non-availability of plastic cards. In such cases SOLs are issuing instant card on later date with/without deleting personalized card requests which will not get activated leading to customer complaints. Also once the personalized card request placed and deleted on later dates will not get deleted technically since the data has already been downloaded at our end. For any CIF either instant or personalized card request should only be placed.

Till such time, diversion of Instant cards may be done to needy offices as intimated earlier with the correct procedure.

Hence, issue strict instructions to each and every SOL of your Circle to stop placing personalized cards with immediate effect. 

Thanks & regards,
Incharge Operations, DOP ATM Unit
CBS-CPC, Bengaluru GPO-560001

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