Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Issues in handling CoD system and Monitoirng provisions

Issues in handling CoD system and Monitoirng provisions

With the constant efforts from CEPT and monitoring the issues there have been improvements in the COD Operations over past 2 years. The percentage of disposal through system has reached to 89% now. However, still there are some operational issues/ omissions which are required to be addressed to improve the performance and increase the customer satisfaction level and thereby having positive impact on the business growth. 

CEPT has done an analysis of entire data, based on which the following major issues causing problem in the COD operations, have been identified:

a) Non communicating offices: Around 3,000 post offices are found to be not running the Rnet communication for 3 days or more. Out of this, around 2000 offices are delivery post offices and any article going to these offices may not be having disposal in the system. Around 3% of the articles are being booked to these delivery offices.

b) Non transmission of booking data/manual booking: Since 16.11.2016 (after legacy period), 37,478 articles are found to have subsequent scans but no booking scan has been received. It comes to 1.7% of the total bookings (out of total COD booking of 23,21,319). It is to be noted that there is no mechanism to effect payment of these articles without getting the booking information through verification process and hence huge number of complaints.

c) Delayed transmission of booking data: Since 16.11.2016 (after legacy period), booking information in r/o 1,37,473 articles (6% of total booking) have been received by server after 4 days of booking. This results in non availability of electronic data to the delivery post offices by the time of receipt of physical article. We have disposal in r/o only 60% of such delayed receipt articles.

d) Poor delivery Performance: Disposal details are not available in r/o 3.2 lakh articles booked between 16.11.2016 to 28.02.2017. Top 50 offices in the list are being monitored on daily basis by CEPT directly. Majority of these cases are pending at the RTS offices as most of these RTS offices are delivering the returned articles out of the system. 

e) Payment Performance: Payment information has not received from the payment offices ,in number of cases, even though transmitted by ePayment server. A drive has been taken up to bring down this figure which resulted 80% clearance of non payment cases through ePayment. 

f) Hubs not in operation: Around 120 Parcel Hubs/Express Parcel Hubs are there from which we have not received any data in the server since 01.03.2017. Due to non operation of hubs, the flow of information to delivery post offices is not smooth and we could not point out the current position of the article. This will affect the monitoring process at all levels. 

g) Wrong data entry for COD articles delivered: When the electronic data is not received by the delivery post offices, they can do data entry of the COD article. On receipt of data entered the server cross checks w.r.t. booking information and passes for payment. Any mismatch between article numbe/ebiller ID/COD Amount will result in failure of the checking and stops further processing for payment. As of now about 28000 articles are there in this category. It includes the articles for which there is no booking information with server 

h) Use of un-authorized communication/change of ePayment communication machine: Even though there is drastic reduction in the number of such cases, still 209 cases are pending against various divisions which upon authorization will be processed by ePayment for payment. 

i) Inactive Customers in the system: There are about 3000 customers who have not booked any COD article since 01.01.2017. Many of the cases, the Divisions are creating multiple customer IDs for the same customer (may be due to wrong data entry etc). This effort is to identify the customers who are not active and mark them in the system as inactive, so that these details will not be transmitted to local systems, thereby avoiding the possible confusion in selecting the right customer.

Majority of the above information upto article level is already available in different MIS reports of ParcelNet/ePayment. However, all the above information is compiled into a single excel file and the same is sent herewith for information. 

It is requested to cause to circulate this information to all concerned with directions to take necessary action wherever required to sort out the issue in the respective field. Circles are requested to activate their CoD monitoring teams. COD Monitoring team of CEPT will share this information on a weekly basis with all the Circle teams for information and necessary action to improve the performance. 

अनूप कुमार परमार
वरिष्ठ प्रबन्धक
व्यवसाय विकास एवँ विपणन निदेशालय
डाक भवन
नई दिल्ली -110001

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