Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Non compliance with reservation rules for disabled persons

Non compliance with reservation rules for disabled persons
ANSWERED ON 23.03.2017
Non compliance with reservation rules for disabled persons
2495 Shri Mahesh Poddar
Will the Minister of PERSONNEL,PUBLIC GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS be pleased to state :-
(a) whether it is a fact that a huge backlog has been created due to non-compliance of three per cent reservation rules for the disabled persons in the appointments to all Government services in the Centre and the States and if so, the details thereof;
(b) the steps Government would take to clear the said backlog and to take action against the delinquent officers and by when; and
(c) whether any action has been taken against any officer during the last three years for slackness in compliance of the said rules?
Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office. (DR. JITENDRA SINGH)
(a) to (c): As per data obtained from various Central Government Ministries/Departments which also include vacancies in Central Public Sector Undertakings, Nationalised Banks and Financial Institutions, etc, there were more than 15,000 vacancies identified for persons with disabilities. These, inter alia, included backlog vacancies carried forward from earlier years. The Government issued instructions in May, 2015 to all concerned to take immediate necessary action for filling up of vacancies for persons with disabilities and launched Special Recruitment Drive for this purpose. Seventeen meetings were held by the Department of Personnel and Training with the Ministries/ Departments to expedite the filling up of such vacancies. As of now, 13,105 vacancies for persons with disabilities have been reported filled up. Departments/Ministries have been advised to expedite the filling up of remaining vacancies.
By virtue of Entry 9 of State List of the Constitution of India, the respective States are required to implement the provisions relating to reservation for persons with disabilities in their establishments.
During the review meetings held in Department of Personnel and Training, the concerned Departments/Ministries were sensitized about the need for filling up of the identified vacancies in a time bound manner. The officers, who are responsible for non-implementation, be departmentally proceeded against for their default. Departmental action, if any, is taken by the Department/Ministry concerned.
Source : Rajya sabha

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