Friday, 31 March 2017

PM cadre restrucutre - Reply received from the directorate for the AIAPS cadre restructure letter

PM cadre restrucutre - Reply received from the directorate for the AIAPS cadre restructure letter

Dear Postmasters,

For our continuous letters regarding cadre restructure, we have received the following reply from the postal directorate for our trade union letters.

Once again para "F" of the cadre restructure bilateral agreement was conveyed to our association to implement the cadre restructure once other cadre restructures are completed.

Now the positive things in the following reply of the directorate are, as per the clause "the matter will be examined in the light of the same" we shall extend such clause to Postmaster cadre restructure too that as per the light of the no of posts enhanced and upgraded the pay in Group C cadre restructure, Postmaster Cadre restructure shall also be claimed to extend the no of posts and upgrading the pay while implementing the postmaster cadre restructure in the light of the same with Group C cadre restructure.

Regarding that we have already submitted a detailed proposal to upgrade the pay and posts to Postmaster cadre as per the above bilateral agreement.

If department is again prolonged the issues then under the recognized AIAPS association banner, AIAPS will escalate the trade union protests one by one to achieve the genuine demands of AIAPS association like Postmaster cadre restructure, pay upgradation to PM 1/2/3 w.e.f.,01.01.2016 from anomaly committee, Rectification in the All India Postmaster Grade III draft seniority, PSS Group B amendment, Sr.PM recruitment rules amendment, Conduction of Postmaster Cadre exams, Negative interpretation of PM cadre recruitment rules etc.,

All Postmaster cadre officers are requested to be prepared to the protests under this recognized association of AIAPS.


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