Monday, 27 March 2017

RICT की कार्यप्रणाली शाखा डाकघर और लेखा कार्यालय के लिए Process flow and steps to be followed after Rollout of RICT CBS application

RICT की कार्यप्रणाली शाखा डाकघर और लेखा कार्यालय के लिए Process flow and steps to be followed after Rollout of RICT CBS application

Process flow and steps to be followed after Rollout of RICT CBS application

As part of RICT Project, RICT CBS Client application will be rolled out at the BOs gone live with RSI solutions, CBS application on RICT device is integrated with the Finacle solution available at Account Offices. At present all the banking related processes at Branch Offices are dealt manually. RICT CBS application intends to digitally connect the transactions at BO with Finacle at Account Offices.
In order to lessen the confusion regarding the procedure, the following steps may be followed in various scenarios related with banking at BO:

Account Opening at BO (Through RICT device)
  • Details will be taken in SB-3, Account opening form along with picture/Pictures of Account holder/s
  • Account will be opened on MCD. This is only initial phase of opening an account.
  • While opening the account, Picture & Signature will be captured & saved by the BPM. On completion of the process a unique ID /transaction ID will be generated.
  • The Transaction ID will be mentioned above the SB -3 card.
  • The acknowledgement slip generated from the device will be given to the customer.
  • Two more copies of this acknowledgement slip will be printed. One copy will be attached to account opening form and one will be kept at BO for office record. For the time being even Preliminary receipt will be filled in and sent to AO.
  • Along with the SB-3 card, paste a photograph (This is to ensure if picture taken by BPM is unclear, AO can capture this image). SB-3, photo of account holder/holders and new account opening slip to be sent to AO for account opening.
  • The account will be opened at AO in Finacle & AO will send the Form to HO for scanning of pictures and signature.
  • AO/CPC User will check on Name utility link & check the picture and signature image taken by the BPM if it is fine and matches with the picture on the form, the same will be saved.
  • In case the picture & signature image is unclear, the photo & signature image will be scanned and linked as happening at present (If AO is opening the account and images are being captured by HO, same process will be followed).
  • In case the image & signature captured and picture & Signature on form totally differs, then same should be intimated to AO at once.
  • AO/CPC User will enter the transaction ID(Unique No.) on Name change utility portal and link these images by entering the account ID and the CIF ID and images should be saved.
  • BPM can check if required the status of account opening by clicking on menu – New account enquiry, if account is opened, the account number will be reflected (even before arrival of passbook) and any transaction can be carried out.
  • BPM may also check by entering the provided account number against the transaction ID, whether correct amount is credited to the customer’s account and the signature image is correct.

Account Closure

  • Similar to the present process, account closure should be done at AO. (SB-7A& passbook). No account closure at BO.
  • In the next phase, FSI will bring in the functionality where Closure request will be sent by BPM to account office and along with the passbook. At Present this functionality is unavailable.

Deposit/ Withdrawal at BO (Through RICT device)

Deposit / Withdrawal in SB Accounts and Subsequent deposits in RD account will be carried out by BPM. He will take three copies of voucher (receipt generated). Original one will be handed over to the customer. The first duplicate copy will be sent to AO with BODA for each transaction and second duplicate copy will be kept at BO for record. 
BPM will also make due entries in customers’ passbook, BO Journal and SB/RD/TD Journals as done presently.

Higher Value Withdrawal

  • The request for a withdrawal of amount more than Rs.5000 can be initiated through device by BPM, he will collect the Withdrawal form, take customer’s initials and send the verified voucher to AO for approval.
  • Even though the request will be visible to the SPM of AO on day itself, only when the physical vouchers with verified signature would be received from the BO, the request would be approved by the AO and BPM can transact and disburse the amount.

Accounting Procedure

BPM on completion of Day’s work in CBS will generate the Daily Transaction Report. Along with the vouchers he will send the daily transaction report to AO.
AO (SPM) will check in FINRPT, by selecting the SDP channel and BOID.
The flow is as follows:
The BO wise reports would be generated daily by the AO and kept for reference day wise.
In sub accounts the amount will be mentioned according to BODA, the amount mentioned for Savings Bank will be tallied with reports generated from Finacle for that respective date. (If there is Transit of a day or more & For e.g. BODA for 14.10.16 is received on 15/16/17.10.16 [D+1, D+2 , D+3 transit] , in sub accounts the amount will be mentioned on day of receipt as per BODA and vouchers sent along, but it will be counterchecked with reports from Finacle of 14.10.16 to confirm genuineness of amount mentioned.

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