Friday 7 April 2017

7th Pay Commission Allowances Committee Final Meeting Concluded – Report to be submitted within a week

7th Pay Commission Allowances Committee Final Meeting Concluded – Report to be submitted within a week

7th Pay Commission Allowances Committee Final Meeting Concluded – Report of the Allowances Committee will be submitted within a Week as per Shri.Shiv Gopal Mishra, Secretary Staff Side JCM
7th Pay Commission Allowances Committee has concluded its meetings with Staff Side and Govt Departments. It is informed by Shri.Shiv Gopal Mishra, Secretary, National Council of Staff Side JCM that final meeting of 7th CPC Allowances Committee is over on 6th April 2017 and that the Committee will be submitting its report to Cabinet within a week’s time.
7th Pay Commission Allowance Committee final Meeting concluded - Report in a weekAs this piece of information has been shared by the Secretary, of an official interaction machinery with Govt on behalf of Staff Side on Service Matters, it is a reliable information.
Almost a year long wait of Central Government Employees for revision allowances as per recommendations of 7th Pay Commission Report may be over shortly, if Allowances Committee submits its report to Govt. This Committee functions since July 2017 after Govt had taken a decision that revision in Alllowances recommended by 7th Pay Commission requires futher study before the 7th CPC recommendations are implemented.The Secretary, NC, Staff Side, JCM has provided the following information in the JCM website
Dated: April 7, 2017
All Constituents of NC/JCM(Staff Side),
Dear Comrades!
Sub: Conclusive meeting of the Committee on Allowances
As you are aware, conclusive meeting of the Committee on Allowances was held yesterday, i.e. on 6th April, 2017. We hope that, report of the said committee will be submitted to the Cabinet within a week’s time.
This is for your information.


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