Thursday, 27 April 2017

Appeal from FNPO/National Association Postal Employees, Group-C, CHQ, New Delhi-1

Appeal from FNPO/National Association Postal Employees, Group-C, CHQ, New Delhi-1

The National Association of Postal Employees Group-c appeals to all unions and federations regarding ‘Removal of 3 -A (i) of GDS Conduct & Engagement Rules,2011. My Federation and its affiliated unions, including NUGDS, warmly welcome all other unions for discussion regarding report given by Chairman, Sri.Kamalesh Chandra. My Federation wholeheartedly appreciates on the welfare measures which were recommended by the Committee and welcome some amendments which were taken into consideration from the memorandums submitted by FNPO & NAPE GR-C.

At the same time, we also object on the issues which were not taken into consideration where the issues which could play a major part in the life of GDS. My Federation strongly oppose for non-implementing of Rule 3-A (i) as it is so transparent to the Postal Department that the GDS are working beyond this rule for more than 8 hours which was not taken into account by the Committee for the removal of this cap. This is very unconstitutional and against Natural Justice in the recommendations given by the GDS Pay Committee.

The Committee is directly or indirectly having clear idea of the effect of rule 3-A (I) on GDS officials and has clearly expressed that the Department has to take the stand on the removal of 3-A(i) and not given any recommendation on it as it is the rule framed by the Department of Posts. No Judicial authority will intervene if that rule is removed by the Department of Posts, by doing so never it will be termed as subjudice. If the Department would have done it much before GDS Pay Committee by including in the terms of reference, the Committee would have recommended full working hours i.e., 7 hours 30 mints as it is visible from the inside of the Committee report.

At this juncture considering our demand of withdrawal of income and cost the revenue generation is introduced. By the present standards, revenue generation is given for jumping one level to another and getting allowances beyond level 2 the chances are remote. It’s practically not possible with present standards of remuneration such as Rs.64/- as B.O. share out of Rs.205/- in respect of POSB. If same percentages are fixed at B.O. level in forthcoming India Post Payment Bank and Rural Communication and Information Technology, how the BPM at the second level will cross the benchmark of Rs.36, 000/- in revenue generation.

Hence it is felt by this Federation it is the apt time to join hands by all Federations and GDS Unions for the achievement of the above said recommendations which were framed by this union by forming a Forum to protest till we achieve our legitimate demand.

Rule 3 A(1) of the Gramin Dak Sevaks (Conduct and Engagement) Rules 2011 specifically says that a GDS should not be asked to work for more than 5 hours a day. Therefore GDS committee report submitted by Shri Kamalesh Chandra also has not imagined a case in which GDS will have to work beyond 5 hours, and the wage structure is also framed accordingly. But the fact remains that in many circles, there are Branch Offices where GDS BPM’s have to work for even beyond 8 hours! If the case is taken up legally, the result will be adverse as there is no case in which GDS official’s working hours are fixed beyond 5 hours.
The following suggestions are offered.
1) To remove provisions 3A (1) from GDS (Conduct and Engagement ) Rules 2011 immediately
2) T o replace the recommendations of Shri Kamalesh Chandra to provide additional wages to those GDS BPM’s who are working for more than 5hours with full working hours up to 7 hours 30 mints.

General Secretary, NAPE Gr C
1. The Secretary General, National Federation of Postal Employees, First Floor, North avenue post office building, New Delhi – 110001
2.General Secretary, AIGDSU (CHQ), First Floor, Post Office building, Padmanagar Delhi -110007.
3.The Secretary General, Bharatiya Postal Employees Federation, Atul Grove Road, New Dlehi-1
4.The General Secretary, AIPEU GDS Union, C/o NFPE office, New Delhi-1
5.The General Secretary, BPEGDSU, C/o BPEF, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi-1.


27.04.2017 General Secretary, NAPE Gr C

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