Friday, 28 April 2017



Today(28.04.2017) a group of CHQ office bearers consisting of Sri D.Kishanrao, GS, Sri B.Shivakumar, AGS, Sri Sivaji Vasireddy, AGS and Sri Sri Bahagavan, Financial Secretary felicitated Sri Boyapati Venkata Sudhakar, Secretary & Chairman Postal Services Board on his superannuation retirement. The NAPE Group-c remembered the yeoman services rendered to the India Post and it's staff at all levels especially last 9 months as head of the department. During his tenure he recommended to the GDS pay commission, removal of point system, liberalised compassionate appointments changed the transfer, policy introduced online GDS recruitment curbing the corruption in the appointments. As CPMG AP Circle introduced centralised tabulation in Departmental Promotion quota and announced the results before the appointing authority knows the result in a jumbling system. A new era ended today in the India Post progression towards new heights. The NAPE Group-c bids a warm farewell to the officer.


Profile of Shri B.V.SUDHAKAR, Secretary & Chairman Postal Board Dept of Posts : India

Shri Boyapati Venkata Sudhakar, IPoS (1981 batch) has been joined as Secretary, Department of Posts, India. He is the first Telugu person to assume the apex post in the Department of Posts. Earlier he was the Member (Technology) in the Department of Posts at New Delhi during which period he has involved himself in the introduction of Core Banking, Rural ICT programme in the Department of Posts so as to enable to reach the services of the Department to the rural masses.

Shri Sudhakar has born on 18-04-1957 in Kammapalem Village, Nellore District to Smt Anasuyadevi and Shri Yanadaiah.

The schooling of Shri Sudhakar was held at All Saints High School & St. Paul’s High School at Hyderabad. He has completed his Intermediate studies at Alia Junior College, Hyderabad. He has completed his B.Sc graduation from New Science College, Hyderabad and did Post graduation in M.Sc (Physics), M Phil & MBA through Osmania University, Hyderabad.

Before joining the Department of Posts, he has worked as Manager at A.P. Cooperative Bank, Hyderabad during 1978-81.

He has been selected to the Indian Postal Services in 1981. Subsequently he has served the department in various capacities in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamilnadu, Maharashtra, West Bengal & New Delhi.

Further he has worked as Regional Film Sensor Board Officer, Hyderabad; Director of Postal Accounts ; Commissioner, Employment & Training, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad; and Secretary, Information Commission, Andhra Pradesh on deputation.

He has introduced so many innovative schemes, products, services in the Department of Posts and in other Departments where he was on deputation. Some of the schemes like’ Aaseervachanam (TTD prasadam)’, Sale of TTD tickets through Post Offices, Sale of Haleem through Post Offices during Ramzan season, Introduction of ‘Nanyatha’ scheme to monitor Letter box clearance, sale of Godavari sacred water – ‘God jal’, Mechanised Delivery, Same day delivery, Introduction of new Application softwares like ‘Jabardast’ were the contributions of Shri Sudhakar to the Department as well as for the society. He has ensured the prompt filling-up of vacancies of the Postal Department which were unfilled for so many years. He has initiated to ensure compassionate appointments periodically rather monthly, in the interest of the families of diseased employees.

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