Saturday 8 April 2017

Important News on Cadre Restructuring in Department of Posts

Important News on Cadre Restructuring in Department of Posts

Yesterday Dated 7-4-2017  BPEF Secretary General Sri Santosh Kumar Singhji had fruitful meeting with Secretary Department of Posts  on Cadre Restructuring.

Secretary Department of Posts  has kindly agreed on the demand of BPEF regarding Divisioalization of LSG and also one time Relaxation for promotion to HSG 1 and HSG II under new Cadre Restructuring.

Orders will likely to be issued shortly  on Monday or Tuesday

This modification is considered in view of demand requested  by Bharathiya Postal Employees Federation.

BPEF is very much thankful to Govt,Secretary Department of Posts  and all concerned for considering this important and genuine demand and helping large number of staff to work within division peaceful.
General Secretary Bharatiya Postal Employess Association Gr. C


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