Saturday 8 April 2017

Status report on Cadre Restructuring demands -NFPE

Status report on Cadre Restructuring demands -NFPE

It is reliably learnt that, DDG has moved the file with detailed report, based on our demands seeking modifications on cadre restructuring order, to Secretary Posts by 6.4.17.
This will be decided shortly, and order is likely to be issued by next week.

Our Gen.Sec is now at Kolkata, along with our senior leaders com. Krishnan and. Com. KVS to attend the AIC of our SBCO union.

On return to HQ by Monday, our leaders will meet the Sec. Posts to make  pressure for maximum modifications on the order, as already demanded in our letter dt.17.3.2017.

Awaiting good response and favourable orders....NFPE P3 TN Circle Union.

Union Letter regarding issues arising out of implementation of cadre restructuring dated 17.03.2017 is reproduced below for information.


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