Monday, 22 May 2017

How to be a successful GDS official – 5 thing you need to know!

How to be a successful GDS official – 5 thing you need to know!

How to be a successful GDS official – 5 thing you need to know!

Dear friend, if you are a GDS official, its not matter that you are a BPM, MD or MC; you need to know the 5 important point to be a successful GDS official. Yes, I talk to them who working in Branch Post Office.

=> Time & Work:- You need to maintain your prescribed time in your workplace. If you are coming to office regularly in working hour, public will respect you as a responsible official. If need some extra time, give more. Do not forget that this is your work and your family’s security. When you are working for your office and your customers no work will be pending and customers will satisfy in your work and also they will obey your instructions in future.

=> Need & Clean:- In your office time turned your mind into the work. Do need and clean work. Clean your office premises regularly, this will attract customers to come to the office and also change their mind about Post office. Maintain separate Journal and Specimen register for all schemes. Keep your Order Book safe and secure please. Write down BO Journal and BO Account Book daily. Maintain Stocks Book, Error Book etc. Keep sufficient stock of SB-3, SB-103, SB-7, SB-26, MS-87, PLI-2 etc. Keep sufficient cash and stamp within limit. So that no one customer will go back.

=> Be a Boss:- If you are a BPM then you need to be a Boss because if your office staff have not respect in your work then customers also follow them. Convert your mind into helping mind help your staff and customers as possible and they will help back. See Postman Book regularly discussed how to deliver valuable article quickly or why the article is undelivered. Help him to deliver quickly. Follow your MC, and instruct him to not waste time when he/she is in duty for exchanging mail. Understand him, trust him and help him to be a boss. Because when you give something someone’s they will give you back. Behave your staff as a friend and family member but of course like a professional officials. Mind that understanding is the best way to work together.

=> Keep Communication:- Keep a needy communication with SO, HO, Sub-Divisional and Divisional office and follow the instructions what will come. Stay connected with customers when they need you they will contact you easily. Give them all schemes related updates and changes information.

=> Work as Businessman:- Take your work as business because no businessman don’t want to lose their business. Think it as a profitable business as they’re have many Incentives to earn more. Do conveyance customers to do TD, RPLI. Keep a target to Increase your existing business. There has many Incentives schemes like PMSBY, PMJJY, NREGS wages payment etc. Finally there is a lot of respect as you are a central government employee.

Dear friend try to follow the above instructions and also try to pass departmental examination. Once you pass the exam there will be a secure and stable life waiting for you.


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