Tuesday 23 May 2017

Special Cover on Family Welfare Training & Research Centre (FWTRC), Mumbai (1957-2017) released at Mumbai on 5th May 2017

Special Cover on Family Welfare Training & Research Centre (FWTRC), Mumbai (1957-2017) released at Mumbai on 5th May 2017

Family Welfare Training & Research Centre, (FWT&RC) Mumbai, was the first Family Planning Training Centre, established in June 1957 under Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare at "Parekh Hospital" Building, 332, S.V.P. Road, Khetwadi, Mumbai - 4. It is one of the Central Training Institutes (C.T.I.) conducting in-service training for Medical and Paramedical personnel in key health areas to enhance their knowledge and skills for better delivery of health care services. These training are for the Central, State and District level health personnel from all over the country. The Centre is identified as a collaborating Institute for certain specialized training like Immunization, Communication, etc. Under the WHO fellowship programme for South-East Asian Region, FWT&RC has been identified as one of the Collaborating Institute. Fellows from Srilanka and Bangladesh are deputed for programmes in Gender Issues, Safe - Motherhood, Maternal and Foetal Nutrition, Management Information System and RCH.

On the Occasion of Diamond Jubilee Celebration of the Family Welfare Training & Research Centre (FWTRC), Mumbai (1957-2017) a Special Cover was released at Mumbai on 5th May 2017 (Special Cover approval no. MH/11/2017).

Special Cover on Family Welfare Training & Research Centre (FWTRC), Mumbai


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