Tuesday 6 June 2017

Performance Related Incentive for GDS

Performance Related Incentive for GDS

The system of incentive payment for GDSs was introduced at a time when the job was more in the nature of an agency function rather than a long term service. Small amounts were paid to the Branch Post Masters as incentive, in addition to the monthly allowances in return for the deposits collected in small savings schemes. This system of incentive/commission on the basis of amount collected is still followed in the case of small saving agents who collect deposits under RD, NSC, and KVP etc. along with the BPMs.

12.2. Later on the incentive payment was introduced in many other services due to the following main reasons:
(a) The working hours of GD Sevaks are restricted to maximum 5 hrs during which routine jobs are performed.

(b) The Government implemented new schemes and services In rural areas through the network of GDS Post Offices utilizing GDS manpower.

(c) There are limitations in the present workload calculation system to add norms for such new items of work.

(d) There is a need to compensate the GDS for these special tasks.

12.3. The system of incentive payment to GDS in the Department of Posts is different from the Performance Related Incentive Scheme (PRIS) introduced after 6th CPC. PRIS is operational in Departments of Atomic Energy and Space. PRIS is a variable component of pay and is awarded on the basis of the performance Of individual / group / organization, measured against goals set for a given period of assessment. PRIS is non-additive and non-cumulative. It is based on the principle of differential reward for differential performance. The Scheme has three components-
Organizational, Group and Individual.

12.4. However, in the Department the incentives are paid only to individual. There is no concept of incentive payment for group or organization. The Committee noted that the amount of incentive paid is low and needs to be improved. The existing rates of incentives offered to GDSs by the Department for various activities are given in Table12.1.
12.5. In addition to the above, from time to time, some new tasks/business activities are being got done in some Circles through GDS, as per local initiatives. In such cases the Circles themselves are making arrangements for compensating the GDS for such works.


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