Tuesday 13 June 2017




Decided to intensify joint struggle against NPS and outsourcing by organizing nationwide intensive campaign and mobilization leading to a bigger trade Union action including strike demanding “withdraw contributory Pension System and stop outsourcing of Government functions”.

About 1000 delegates, mostly NPS employees, participated in the National Convention held at MPCU shah Auditorium, Delhi on 10.06.2017. The National Convention was presided over by Com. K. K. N. Kutty, National President, Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers and Com. Subhash Lamba Senior leader of All India State Government Employees Federation.

Com. Tapan Sen, MP, Rajya Sabha and General Secretary, CITU, who inaugurated the National Convention called upon the Central and State Government employees to launch sustained struggle for compelling the Government to withdraw NPS and stop outsourcing of Government functions. He explained in detail the impact of the neo-liberal policy offensives unleashed by the BJP-led NDA Government on the common people and working class of our country and also divisive politics of the ruling class to weaken the unity of the working class.

Com. A Sreekumar, General Secretary, AISGEF, presented the draft declaration for adoption in the convention.

Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General, Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers addressed the house supporting the declaration. Com. M. S. Raja, Com. R. N. Parashar (Confederation) Com. Ashok Thool, Com. Ved Prakash Sharma, Com. Gade Srinivasalu Naidu (AISGEF) also addressed the Convention. The house adopted the declaration and the proposed programme of action unanimously. Com. Mangul Kumar Das (AISGEF) Welcomed the leaders and delegates and Com. Vrigu Bhattacharjee (Confederation) proposed vote of thanks.

Extracts from the declaration adopted by the National Convention on 10.06.2017

“Defined Contributory Pension Scheme does not guarantee returns. Benefits depends upon as to how the investment has fared in the stock market. The stock markets have never remained strong over a long period of time. It is not only volatile but susceptible to manipulation and machinations. The global financial crisis in 2008 has been the product of investment derivative manipulations. It wiped out the earnings of lakhs of workers, employees, teachers and many others. No Government came to render help to those unfortunate losers, whereas bail-out packages of millions of dollars was roled out to rescue culprits. On one “fine” morning, the workers lost everything including hope.”

“Large number of employees have joined the Central Services since 2004 and so is the case with the various state Governments, who have adopted the Defined Contributory Pension Scheme in replacement of Defined Benefit Pension Scheme. It is estimated that they presently constitute almost one-third of the total employees in Government departments in the country. The deeper study of the functioning of the Contributory Pension Scheme has proved that the promised better returns in the form of Annuity is nothing but an ever eluding mirage.”

“It is satisfying to note that the employees due to the consistent efforts undertaken by the Confederation and State Government Employees Federation have begun to observe the dimension of the problem and the support and solidarity provided by the democratically elected Government to the corporate houses. It is also equally gratifying that the young comrades have also begun to realize that this has to be resisted and defeated.”

“The Government employees has to emphatically demand that the Defined Contributory Pension Scheme imposed in replacement of the Defined Benefit Pension Scheme must be scrapped to end the untenable discrimination of the Pre-2004 and post 2004 entrants to Government service and reintroduce the Defined Benefit Pension Scheme that was in vogue for a century and more. In other words the Government must come forward to amend PFRD Act to exclude the Central and State Government employees from its ambit and operation.”

“This National Convention being held under the auspices of the Joint platform of Confederation of Central Government Employees Workers and All India State Government Employees Federation calls upon all the Central and State Government employees to rally behind the charter of issues and demands included in the declaration adopted by the Convention, hold sustained and continuous programme of action and organize strike action to compel the Government to repeal the Defined Contributory Pension Scheme and halt all sorts of contractorisation, casualization and outsourcing of Government functions.”

“This convention also appeals, especially to the younger generation employees to realize that their hard earned savings are being channelized into the hands of the monopoly capital to subserve their efforts in maximization of profit. This convention also appeals to them to understand the politics behind the policies and the pernicious impact of the neo-liberal economic policies on the life and livelihood of the multitude of their countrymen and be part and parcel of the global and national resistance being built against the globalization policies for the intensification of which pension reform process and informalisation of employment was ushered in by the World bank and IMF.”


1. State level Joint Conventions before 31.08.2017 and formation of state level Joint Action Committees.
2. District/ Taluk level conventions before 31.10.2017.
3. Mass Dharna of Central and State Government Employees at all important centres on 21st November 2017 (21.11.2017, Tuesday).
4. Raj Bhawan March (date will be finalized later).
5. Nationwide campaign Jathas covering all districts of all states (dates will be finalized later).
6. Massive Parliament March (date will be finalized later)

Next Phase of action will be declared by the Joint Acton Committee before the Parliament March.

National Level Joint Action Committee
The following are the members of the National Level Joint Action Committee.

1. Com. K. K. N. Kutty 2. Com. M. Krishnan, 3. Com. M. S. Raja
4. Com. R. N. Parashar 5. Com. Rupak Sarkar 6. Com. Vrigu Bhattacharjee
7. Com. R. Seeethalakshmi

1. Com. A. Sreekumar 2. Com. Subhash Lamba 3. Com. Mangul Kumas Das
4. Com. Himanshu Sarkar 5. Com. Vedprakash Sharma 6. Com. Ashok Thool
7. Com. Ashim Kumar Pal


1. All Affiliates of Confederation
2. All C-O-Cs
3. All National Secretariat Members

Dear Comrades,

You are requested to give wide publicity to the decision of the National Convention among employees and take a lead role in implementing the programme of action adopted by the Convention (as given above) in consultation and jointly with the All India state Government Employees Federation.

Fraternally yours,

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
Mob & WhatsAPP – 09447068125
Email: mrksihnan6854@gmail.com

Source: http://confederationhq.blogspot.in/


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