Monday, 31 July 2017

Instructions on change of India Post eMail Password or AD User Password

Instructions on change of India Post eMail Password or AD User Password

Please note that the Password for Email Id and AD User Id is one & same for a particular user and change using either of the way above will change the password of both. Further please note that the new password being constructed should comply with the DoP Password Policy in force. The Highlights of the existing DoP Password Policy are:
     ❖Password must be minimum 09 characters and should include -
          ➣English uppercase characters (A - Z).
          ➣English lowercase characters (a - z).
          ➣Base-10 digits (0 - 9).
          ➣Special Characters (e.g.! $, #, %). Extended ASCII, Symbolic/linguistic characters.
     ❖New Password is not same as the 05 immediate old password.
     ❖New Password should not contain the user's account name or parts of the user's full name that exceed two consecutive characters.
Process of Change of Password: Either of the following ways:
1. Through Login into mail box using Webmail / OWA:
     a. Login into Webmail / OWA with your email address and current Password. After login, at the top right hand side you will find a "Settings" button.
     b. Click on "Settings" button and select "Change Password" option.
     c. Enter the details asked for in the next screen i.e. Current Password, New Password and Confirm New Password.
     d. Click on "Save" button. On successful change / resetting of password you will automatically be logged out and login screen will appear.
2. Through Login into CSI AD Joined PC: Prerequisite for using this option is that the PC being used should be joined to CSI AD Domain and user should be logged into the PC using his AD Domain User Account.
     a. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del and select "Change a Password" option.
     b. Enter the details asked for in the next screen i.e. Old Password, New Password and Confirm Password.
     c. Then press Enter. On successful resetting of Password you will receive a message "Your password has been changed".
     d. Click "OK" to continue.
     e. You will get a successful message Your password has been changed click OK to continue.
P.S: In case of any support please call CSI Interim Helpdesk at 011 66076729 / 011 66076730/ 01166076755 / 01166076756 or send a mail at Please use the Standard Issue Reporting Template while reporting issues to the CSI Interim Help Desk.
Thanks You, 
DoP Email Administrator
Ph: 011 66076729 / 011 66076730/ 01166076755 / 01166076756

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