Saturday, 29 July 2017

Minutes of the Second Annual General Body Meeting of “India Posts’ Retired Officers’ Association”.

Minutes of the Second Annual General Body Meeting 
of  “India Posts’ Retired Officers’ Association”.

The Second Annual General Body Meeting (A.G.M.) of “India Posts’ Retired Officers’ Association” was held on Saturday the 3rd June 2017 at ‘Golden Swan Country Club’ Yewoor Hills Thane at 11.0 a.m. under the chairmanship of Shri R. Ganesan Ex Secretary to Govt. of India, Director General, Department of Posts & Hon’ble President of the Association.

2. Following members were present in the meeting:-
                             1    Ms.Humera Ahmed ------- Vice President
                             2     Shri VijayKhanna---------  Vice President
                             3    Shri U.P.C.Tauro------------ Secretary
                             4    Shri SV Narayankar---------Organising Secretary
                             5    Shri R K Joshi-----------------Treasurer
                             6.   Shri V.L. Raichur-------------Member 
                             7.   Shri S.P.Sardal--------------- Member
                             8.  Shri S.A.Siwal---------------  Member
                             9.  Shri R.S.Rajan---------------- Member
                            10.  Shri R.V.Kulkarni----------  Member
                            11.  Smt Neelu K.Ahuja--------- Member
                            12.  Smt Claramma Antony-----Member
                            13.   Ms Pushpa T Ghend ------ Member
                            14.   ShriT.B.Waidande-----------Member
                            15.   ShriA.J.Gajendragadkar----Member
                            16.   Shri N.S.Wankhede ---------Member
                            17.   Shri M.R.Sapkal---------------Member
                            18.   Shri D.B.Kadam---------------Member
                            19.   Shri K.N.Kulkarni------------Member
                            20.   Shri R.L.Modi------------------Member
                            21.   Shri V.M.Dekate---------------Member
                            22.   Shri P.V.Mathure--------------Member
                            23.   Shri P.T.Badgujar-------------Member
                            24.   Shri B.G.Hande----------------Member

2. Two minutes silence was observed by the members in condolence of departed Departmental Colleagues, Shri P.S. Ragavachari and Shri S.C.Mahalik both Ex Secretaries to Govt. of India & Director General, Department of Posts and Shri S.P. Inamdar Member IPROA. Shri U.P.C.Tauro Secretary IPROA read brief details of departed Officers/member.

3.Shri Shankar Siwal, Anchor, welcomed all the members attending the second Annual General Body Meeting (A.G.M.) at  ‘Golden Swan Country Club’ Yewoor Hills venue with thanks to Shri Vijay Khanna Vice President of the Association in making the venue available.

4. Shri U.P.C.Tauro Secretary of the Association informed all the members that the minutes of the First Annual General Body Meeting (A.G.M.) held on 25th June 2016 at the Conference Hall of Dadar IQ, Dadar HO building 5th floor Dadar (East) Mumbai 400014 were circulated to all members through what’s app as well as through e mail & also posted in Associations’ Blog As such the minutes of the last AGM were got ratified unanimously.
5.While delivering the key note address, Shri R Ganesan, President of the Association, appreciated the efforts made by Shri Tauro Secretary to increase the number of members of the Association & congratulated him for his untiring efforts which resulted in enrolment of more than hundred members. New members including outstation members who had attended the Annual General Body Meeting (A.G.M.) were specifically mentioned. Referring to the subject of Donation he opined that such contribution from the members can be voluntary. The names of the Donor will be kept confidential. Only the amount of donation received will be reflected in the Financial Report. As for utilisation of the donation, it was left for further thinking by the members so that the methodology can be finalised in the next meeting. He also welcomed suggestions from members to be sent to Secretary in this regard. He suggested that CAT/Orders having impact on pensioners can find place in what’s app messages.  Shri Tauro Secretary informed that the PDF files of all important  Orders of CAT as well as all the Departments Orders having impact on pensioners are downloaded and circulated to all members through what’s app  as well as through e mail & also posted in Associations’ Blog It was also requested by him to the members to contact their known colleagues to enrol more members.

6.Ms Humera Ahmed Vice President of the Association showed her pleasure on the attendance of Shri P.T.Badgujar from Jalgaon which reminded her of first posting as SSPOs North East Division. She stated that Post Office has multifarious and multitasking activities and every member who served for a long time has something to share.

7 Shri Vijay Khanna Vice President of the Association expressed his great pleasure to meet the members as one family fourteen years after his retirement. He suggested all members to share their excellent memories and incidents by write ups & submit to the Secretary to post in Associations’ Blog for documentation by Ms Humera Ahmed Vice President of the Association. He shared his experience when he

was working as SSPOs Surat and his association with Shri Vikram Sood who headed RAW during the years 2001-2003.

8. Shri U.P.C.Tauro Secretary of the Association presented the Annual Report to bring home the various activities of the Association since last AGM. He also briefly explained the present status of the 7th CPC regarding the options of the Pensioners. The Annual Report was adopted unanimously. The said report is sent to all the members by e mail & also published in the Associations’ Blog

9.Shri R.K.Joshi Treasurer of the Association presented the Audited  Financial Report of the year 2014-2015, 2015-2016 & 2016-2017. It was passed & adopted unanimously. (The statement of Receipts and Expenditure 2015-2016-2017 is in the attachment).   

10. The outstanding subscription was deliberated. It was opined that year 2015-16 was the initial year of inception of the Association and those members who had not paid subscription in that year can be exempted as per the wish of the member except for the founding members. However the admission/ registration fee is compulsory. The subscription starting from 2016-2017 can be made compulsory as the Association has started systematically since that year. Regarding the  members who had paid Rs 1000/-during the first meeting, but  not paid the further subscription & who are not attending the meetings can be given option either to the adjustment of the amount towards registration & subscription for the subsequent years or repayment if they desire to quit the Association. It was requested by the Hon’ble President to the members to settle their outstanding dues accordingly. (The statement as on 31/03/2017 of the funds collected by the Association is in the attachment)

11 Regarding donation it was unanimously decided to accept such support from members without disclosing the name of the donor member. However it will be accounted for as donation and at a later stage formation of committee can be considered for proper utilization of the fund, if substantial donation is collected. It was also decided that the funds towards donation cannot be utilized for day to day activities of the Association. One member spontaneously on the spot contributed Rs 1000/-which was applauded by all.

12. On the subject of option 1 of 7th CPC which was modified by the Government from no of increments to that of Notional Pay Secretary was asked to send one or two examples to the Hon’ble President of the Association to examine the loss to the pensioners so as to raise this issue at the appropriate level, based on the details of the matter.

13. Amendment to the Bye Laws of the Association for membership of the Outstation Members as per the Resolution passed in the last meeting held on Saturday the 11thFebruary 2016 at 03.0 p.m. in the Conference Hall of Dadar IQ, Dadar HO building 5th floor Dadar(East) Mumbai 400014 endorsement & incorporation in Clause 3 of the
Bye Laws of the Association it was considered and unanimously approved to be incorporated as item (f) in Clause 3 of the Bye Laws of the Association.

14. Since the Association has crossed a membership of one hundred, Shri U.P.C.Tauro Secretary of the Association was requested to coordinate for Registration of the Association.

15. House deliberated at length the opening of joint SB Account of the Association. It was unanimously agreed to leave it to the Secretary to decide in consultation with Registrar Authorities.

16. General Body Members unanimously re-elected the existing Management Committee Members for the next two years with induction of Shri V.L.Raichur as Vice President proposed by Shri S.V.Narayankar and seconded by Shri Shankar Siwal.

17. Shri J.S.Patil was nominated Internal Auditor of the Association for the year 2017-2018

18. Hon’ble President of the Association requested all members to contact at least 1 Retired Gazetted Officer of Mumbai Region to enrol as member of IPROA & at least 2 Retired Gazetted Officers of Other Regions to enrol as Out Station Members of IPROA .  Shri Vijay Khanna Hon’ble Vice President of the Association volunteered to contact the remaining Retired Gazetted Officers of India Posts stationed at Thane & Kalyan for enrolment as IPROA Members. (The lists of known India Posts’ Retired Officers’ yet to join IPROA with their mobile numbers are in the attachment.)
19. Next meeting of the Association was proposed to be held on Saturday the 28th October 2017 at 11.30 am in the Conference Hall of Dadar IQ 5TH floor Dadar under the Chairmanship of Shri R Ganesan Ex-Secretary Posts followed by Lunch, sponsored by the members.
20. Shri S.P.Sardal extended vote of thanks to Shri R. Ganesan Hon’ble President of the Association & Vice Presidents and all the attending members for their active participation in the General Body meeting. Special thanks were extended to Shri Vijay Khanna Hon’ble Vice President of the Association for arrangement to provide venue to hold General Body meeting in befitting way.
Delicious Lunch was served to the members after the meeting.

President                                                                 Secretary

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