General Secretary’s Desk
Dear Comrades,
The AIPEU-GDS CHQ is intensely observing the current situation on the issues viz., Membership verification, GDS Pay committee issues besides struggle programmes.
Membership Verification :
For the Recognition of Service Associations in GDS cadre, the membership verification is going on in all the divisions and all corners of the country. The AIPEU-GDS had utilized all opportunities for the last five years and formed divisional branches in almost all divisions of 23 circles and is well established with more percentage of members in favour of the Union. It has proved that almost all programmes of AIPEU-GDS & NFPE and made success in all the divisions / Circles and at all India level also, for these period of time.
With good awareness on the AIPEU-GDS organization, activities, achievements and confidence on NFPE and united struggles, more and more members are attracted to our AIPEU-GDS and along with the leaders of other GDS unions, leading our organization in many divisions in all the Circles.
The CHQ is receiving inspiring information that the collection of Letters of Authorization in favour of AIPEU-GDS in the divisions is increasing day-by-day and creating confidence amongst the leadership that our AIPEU-GDS will be recognized as NUMBERONE union in the present verification process. Even though some other GDS union creating hurdles to our exercise in many ways, our Comrades are succeeding over it and the efforts of root level leaders by taking all pains and risk to make it all favour to AIPEU-GDS is very much appreciable.
One month time has been over and hardly one more month remained for the conclusion of the process of collection and submission of Letters of Authorization from GDS comrades in the Divisions. Unfortunately, in some places/divisions, seasonal rain & flood etc., detained the process for some time, the Divisional Comrades assured to win over it and can get Letters of Authorization from the GDS comrades with in the stipulated period for submission. This inspires all others and creating some more enthusiasm created in the process of verification.
The AIPEU-GDS CHQ heartfully wishing all the Comrades with many more thanks on their best efforts in favour of AIPEU-GDS.
Last date for submission of Letters of Authorizaton to the Divisional Head : 05th September 2017.
Union Subscription recovery will be started from the month of September i.e., TRCA drawn for the month of September 2017 itself.
AIPEU-GDS CHQ has already been sent letters to all SSPO/SPO/SRM, specifying the Authorized Representative for the respective divisions along with a copy to Divisional Secretary & Circle Secretary for favour of information. If any, not received the same please inform over phone or through e-mail to CHQ, it will be arranged immediately without any further delay or requires any further information/clarification on the process also.
Moble: 09849466595
GDS Pay Committee :
It is learnt from the sources that the approval of the Ministry of Finance for the recommendations of the Committee is awaited. Up to August 11th, the Parliament sessions continued, further up to 15th August, holidays etc., and the process may be concluded at MoF after 15th only.
Further information, if any, will be published in our website “” and from other means of communication also, immediately.
One day strike on 23-08-2017:
The strike notice has been served to the Department on 26-07-2017 for Nationwide ONE DAY STRIKE by NFPE & AIPEU-GDS on 10 point charter of demands. The third phase of programme “Dak Bhawan Dharna” has been conducted infront of Dak Bhawan, Delhi on 26th July 2017 by NFPE along with AIPEU-GDS & AIPCPCCWF with the participation of more than 300 comrades of all affiliated Unions of NFPE representing from most of the Circles along with General Secretaries of all Unions of NFPE.
Strike campaign and tour programm by the leaders of NFPE is going on in Circles. All the CHQ Office bearers / Circle Secretaries / Divisional / Branch Secretaries of AIPEU-GDS is requesting to participate in the meetings, campaigning & programmes in the respective divisions / Circles and make the one day strike on 23rd August 2017 a grand success.
With fraternal greetings
Date : 31-07-2017
General Secretary
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