Saturday, 12 August 2017

Why 3% Annual Increment is not maintained uniformly in Pay Matrix ?

Why 3% Annual Increment is not maintained uniformly in Pay Matrix ?

Why 3% Annual Increment is not maintained uniformly in Pay Matrix ?

7th Pay Commission, in its 900-page report, has mentioned many times that Annual Increment @ 3% of basic Pay to be granted to Central Government employees. But the Staff Association has not satisfied with calculation of increments in 7th CPC and reported that it has not been calculated properly in Pay matrix
Evolving a Pay Structure to fit for 35 Lakh central Government Employees with a new format in the name of Pay Matrix is indeed a great wonder. But the assurance of granting of 3% of Pay for Annual Increment between two cells is not maintained at many places in the pay Matrix.
First time in the Pay Commission history, the Sixth CPC had recommended that 3% of basic pay to be given as Annual Increment for CG staffs. As well as an innovative approach, also was adopted to calculate the Annual Increment.
Example for 100 to 110, Rounding off next ten was calculated as 100 up to 100.90 and from 100.90 onwards it was rounded off to 110. Due to this method of calculation, 99% of Cases of Govt Servants were ensured that Minimum 3% of Basic pay was granted as Annual Increment.
There are 540 Cells in the pay matrix recommended by 7th Pay Commission. In which many cells are lesser that 3% of Basic pay. At the same time, it can not be denied that some cells are having more than 3% of Basic pay.


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