Wednesday, 29 November 2017

7th Pay Commission Minimum Pay, Multiplication factor, and Date of Effect of Allowances are not Pay Anomaly – DOPT did not accept to include these issues for 7th Pay Commission Anomaly Committee

7th Pay Commission Minimum Pay, Multiplication factor, and Date of Effect of Allowances are not Pay Anomaly – DOPT did not accept to include these issues for 7th Pay Commission Anomaly Committee

Recent media news pouring in on daily basis say, “Central Government Employees demands such as increase of minimum pay from Rs. 18,000 to Rs.26,000, multiplication factor from 2.57 to 3.7 etc would be considered in the 7th Pay Commission Anomaly Committee meeting to be held soon”.
Staff Side JCM of Central Government Employees has also given its detailed charter of demands in these lines
As per the agenda items in letter dated 16.08.2017 of Staff Side JCM, apart from cadre specific anomalies following comman anomalies have been discussed.
1. Anomaly in computation of Minimum pay and Computation of Multiplication Factor
2. 3% increment in all stages
3. Removal of condition of 3% stipulated to grant bunching benefit
4. Fixation of Pay on Promotion
5. Removal of anomaly in Pay Matrix
6. Anomaly due to Index Rationalisation
7. Anomaly arising from the decision to reject option No. 1 in Pension fixation
8. Lesser Pay in Higher level of Pay Matrix.
9. Bunching of Steps in the Revised Pay Structure.
10. Minimum Pension
11. Date of Effect of Allowances – HRA, Transport Allowance, CEA etc.
However, DOPT has simply termed following 7th Pay Commission Common anomalies as not a Pay Anomaly at all.
1. Anomaly in computation of Minimum pay and Computation of Multiplication Factor
2. 3% increment in all stages
3. Anomaly due to Index Rationalisation
4. Minimum Pension
5. Date of Effect of Allowances – HRA, Transport Allowance, CEA etc.
6. Anomaly in the grant of D.A instalment w.e.f 01.01.2016.
It has been held by DOPT that the above agenda can not be called as anomalies as per DOPT OM No. 11/2/2016-JCA dated 16.08.2016 and 20.02.2017, notwithstanding the merit that they may have otherwise.
It is to be noted here that it is a tactical approach of the Govt to declare 7th Pay Commission Common Anomalies detailed above as not an anomaly at all in order to close these issues and ensure that central government employees and pensioners are settled with 7th Pay Commission Pay, pension and allowances revision already granted by it.
Now, it all remains in the hands of the all staff side Associations / Unions / Federations to fight back and ensure that Govt considers these 7th Pay Commission Common Anomalies and provide a favorable decision to Employees.

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