How to Prepare for Government Job Written Test
When a student wants to know how to prepare for government job written test then this article is just a perfect solution for them. It has been filled with tips and tricks that represent quality and effectiveness for almost every government exam or even every private organization. These tests are taken so that the company can test the following things in the candidate –
- Concepts – Even though MCQs can be quite useful in judging the correctness of the candidate’s answers they seldom reflect the quality of the candidate’s concepts. There is a need to understand if the depth of the concepts that are needed for the job is been understood properly. In these cases, a written test can be a much better judge.
- Explanation Skills – There are many people who know the subject very well in theory but when it comes to applying it in real life or even explaining it to other people, it becomes very difficult for them to translate their knowledge into something useful. This means that when people are looking at a limited word length, they have to make amends to the way they explain things and that can only be done with the help of a written exam.
- English – In today’s world English is truly the global language. People who have not been able to have a strong hold on the language realize how difficult it is to navigate the bustle of everyday professional life. Hence, every organization wants employees that can converse appropriately in English and act as a meaningful asset to the firm.
Now that we have established the facts that the company is looking for in a potential employee when judging their written exam, we can enlist the steps that can be used to score well in these exams and prepare for them. The preparation plan for upcoming Govt jobs written exam has been listed below.

Preparation Material
Books and previous year exam papers are the most important factors for your success in Government Jobs Written Exam. They allow you the crack the written exam with a good preparation of the subject. If you prefer a good book for the preparation, you can be sure that you will know the concepts thoroughly. Hence, it is important to select the right study material before delving into the preparation process. Research well on the internet or ask the students who have prepared for the exam previously and they will tell you the best sources as well. Teachers also give very good suggestions on which books to refer for the optimum preparation. Many companies publish consolidated books of previous year question papers which will show you how to attempt each question and how much content you need to write for each answer. These question papers can also be treated as mock tests. Some sample papers and unsolved papers are also available on the internet for reference.
Exam Pattern
Before you delve into writing answers you should be well aware of the exam duration, the total number of questions, various sections for different sections in the exam, provision of negative marking, marking scheme and the type of questions i.e. subjective or objective. These points must be well known to the students before they attempt the question papers. It is important that you prepare for the exam keeping in mind the pattern of the exam. The candidate must take all these points into consideration during the time of study and give the exam with full knowledge.
Time Management
Good Timetables will ensure the possibility of success in any examination. If the candidates create a well-planned timetable, they can easily study the subjects according to their importance. This will ensure that all the subjects that need to be studied before the final exam. For getting success in the competitive exams, you will have to plan a schedule for at least 1 month before the exam so that nothing will be missed.
Improve Speed
Time and Speed Management are important components to prepare for every examination. You can prepare for this exam using mock tests and sample tests so that you know how things happen when the time is a stringent resource in the duration of the exam. There are many speed tests available online as well. Speed also involves organizing the methodology for studies so that you can have daily to-do lists and monitor your progress throughout the entire plan.
It is very important that you attempt the exam in a good handwriting. The philosophy behind the fact is that the checker have to check hundreds of papers and they only have a limited time resource. If you make the paper checking process easy for them, they will also be able to give you good marks. Even if you write all the valid points and do not mention them clearly they might get missed in the mess that you have created in your paper. You should mention the question number clearly before attempting. You should also draw straight lines with a scale to separate one answer from the other.
Remember and Highlight Keywords
The checker is only looking for a certain list of keywords in the answer and the presence of that can ensure that you get full marks in the exam. These keywords are the crux of the whole answer and they should not get lost amidst the essay like answers. You should keep your answers short and crisp so that they are easy to read and understand. Keep in mind that it is the quality of the content that will make your score good marks and not the quantity. Highlighting these keywords will bring the examiner’s notice to them directly and he will see that you know the correct answer.
Other Tips for Attempting the Exam
- Arrive at the examination centre at least one hour early so that you can take your seat well before the exam starts.
- Maintain speed from the very beginning of the examination.
- Make sure that you have multiple pens and pencils during the exam.
- Take good care of your health during the exam season so that you do not fall sick.
- Always carry your admit card to the exam centre along with an ID proof for verification.
We hope that these tips for performing well in Government Jobs Written Exams have helped you in understanding a methodology for attempting subjective exams for government jobs.
If you wish to be updated regarding govt job notification and preparation material, download gradeup app. It provides you with guidance on every step of the examination process.
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