Saturday, 11 November 2017



The meeting of “India Posts’ Retired Officers’ Association was held on Saturday the 04th November 2017 at 11.30 the Conference Hall of Dadar Inspection Quarters (I.Q.) Dadar H.O. Building 5th floor Dadar (East) Mumbai 400014 under the Chairmanship of Shri R Ganesan Ex-Secretary to Government of India, Director General, Department of Posts India, New-Delhi-110001 and President of the Association.

2. Following members of Association were present in the meeting.
            1.  Shri V K Khanna   -------------- Vice- President
            2.  Shri V L Raichur  --------------- Vice- President 
            3.  Shri U. P.C. Tauro----------------Secretary
            4.  Shri R.K. Joshi---------------------Treasurer
            5.  Shri S V Narayankar--------------Org. Secretary
            6.  Shri W S Janbandhu --------------Org. Secretary
            7.  Shri P.T. Asalkar-------------------Member
            8.  Shri K.W. Kamble---------------- Member
            9.  Shri Y.N.Nikam------------------- Member
            10. Shri P.G.Ghate----------------------Member
            11. Shri M.M.Tople------------------- Member
            12. Shri R.S.Rajan  -------------------- Member
            13.  Shri G.T. Raut--------------------  Member
            14.  Shri K.N. Kulkarni--------------- Member
            15.  Shri S.P.Sardal---------------------Member
            16.  Shri Bachhan Prasad-------------Member
            17. Shri P.T. Badgujar---------------  Member
            18.  Shri D.B.Kadam------------------ Member
            19. Shri P.M.Shirsat------------------  Member
            20. Shri A.V.Pathak------------------- Member
            21. Shri Y.R.Latkar----------------------Member
            22. Shri P.V.Mathure-------------------Member
            23. Shri G.R.Nagrale--------------------Member
            24  Shri G.D.Patil------------------------Member
            25. Shri T.B.Waydande--------------- Member
            26.  Shri V.S.Jagtap-------------------- Member
            27.  Shri B.S.Torave---------------------Member
            28.  Shri J.S.Patil-------------------------Member
            29. Shri  M.S.Nimje-------------------Member
            30. Smt Baby Rajgopalan---------- Member
            31.Shri A.B.Dhoran------------------Member

3.  At the outset, two minutes silence was observed by the members in condolence of late Shri K V Deshpande retired as SSPOs Sangli Division Sangli and an IPROA Member.

4. Shri W S Janbandhu, Org. Secretary of IPROA, Anchor, welcomed all members including President and Vice-President present in the meeting. He happily mentioned that the strength of members both Mumbai and outstations has crossed over 100 and the attendance in today’s meeting was also laudable. He categorically stated that the credit goes to Our Secretary, Shri Tauro and his unrelenting efforts to reach the membership to the extent of 138 in Circle. He then specifically introduced and welcomed the following new members who came from Nanded,Nashik, Pune, Alibag etc. and  attended the meeting first time. All members present in the meeting also joined in welcoming them.
            1.  Shri P.T. Asalkar
            2.  Shri K.W. Kamble
            3.  Shri Y.N.Nikam
            4.  Shri P.G.Ghate
            5. Shri M.M.Tople
            6. Shri A.V.Pathak
            7. Shri Y.R.Latkar

5. Shri U.P.C. Tauro, Secretary of the Association informed all the members that the minutes of the last meeting held on 11th February 2017 at the Conference Hall of Dadar IQ, Dadar HO building 5th floor Dadar (East) Mumbai 400014 were circulated to all members through what’s app as well as through e mail & also posted in Associations’ Blog As such the minutes of the last AGM were got ratified unanimously.

6. While welcoming all members present in the meeting, Shri R Ganesan, President of the Association in his key note address, mentioned that he is happy to see large gatherings in the meeting. He further stated that he was worried about the membership in the initial stage of formation of this Association, but today’s position of Association has dispelled all doubts about its strength. He categorically mentioned that Mr Tauro’s persistent efforts yielded fruitful results. He stated that outside members are more active, but there are more than 100 stationed officers in Mumbai as well as Navi Mumbai Regions and we have a membership of only 56 at present. We may be able to cross this if one present member in Mumbai reaches out to at least one Retired Officer Stationed in Mumbai as well as Navi Mumbai Regions so that we will be able to cross 200 membership by the next meeting.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
He  further quoted an article published in “ THE INDIAN EXPRESS “ on Nov 4,2017 under the caption head  “Ageing is inevitable, so do it well “  about health, friendship, longevity and good family. A relating   paragraph on the “Strengthen social ties“ is reproduced below:
            “Make friends. Volunteer. Join a club. Stay connected. That is some of the most important advice you will ever get about ageing well. A large body of scientific research shows that social interaction having strong, happy relationships with family, friends and community members is an important factor in good health and longevity. And here’s an amazing fact about your friendships they can compensate for your bad habits Research have shown that people with close social ties who had unhealthy habits like smoking and lack of exercise actually lived longer than healthy people who were more isolated. Obviously, friendship can only go so far. It’s better to have healthy habits and friendship. On average, people with healthful lifestyles and close relationships live the longest.
            Why are close friends and family ties good for us? They give us emotional support that can help us cope with stress. They can be positive influence, helping us create healthy habits (if your friends do not smoke, you probably don’t either) Studies show friendships give us higher self-esteem, greater empathy for others and make us more trusting and cooperative. And perhaps more important: As we age our friends and family give us a sense of purpose and a reason to keep getting up in the morning.”
7. The “revision of pension “on notional pay as per orders dated 12/05/2017 was deliberated in detail amongst all members. It was pointed out by Shri J.S.Patil that from Mumbai Region no Officer has received the revised pension though the target date was 30th September 2017 as per Dte Orders. Out of 31 attending members only one Officer from Thane had received the Revision in Pension. It was unanimously decided to write to CPMG Maharashtra Circle Mumbai after getting feedback from members of Association individually. Secretary will prepare the Draft & circulate it to the Executive Committee for their comments.  
8. Regarding the Outstanding Subscription & recovery of outstanding subscription it was unanimously decided to open Post Office S.B. Account and to circulate to all the members so that they can deposit the subscription in that account from any Post Office across India. As the Annual Subscription of many members was outstanding it was requested by the Secretary to all members to ensure up to date payment of Annual Subscription.
9. On the issue of “Birth Day Wishes“ it was discussed in depth and decided by majority vote to continue the present practice of individual wishing by the members.
10 Shri R Ganesan President of our Association was presented a bouquet on his birthday.
11  Shri V S Jagtap and Shri G D Patil  were felicitated by handing over bouquet at the hands of President of our Association on attaining age of 75 years( Platinum Jubilee) and wished them long life. On this occasion Shri V S Jagtap and Shri G D Patil shared their experience of long spell of active service in the Department. Shri A V Pathak also spoke sharing his experience in the Department.
It was also decided to continue this practice of facilitating all those members who complete 75 years.

12 It was decided to form an Executive Committee with the following Members to decide the urgent issues which cannot wait for the next AGM/meeting and also to prepare guidelines for acceptance of donation and proper utilisation of “Donation Fund”.
01 Shri R Ganesan, President of Association
02 Ms. Humera Ahmed, Vice-President of Association
03 Col.K.C. Mishra,V.S.M. Vice-President of Association
04 Shri Vijay  Khanna, Vice President of Association
05 Shri V L Raichur, Vice- President of Association
06 Shri U. P.C Tauro, Secretary of Association
07 Shri R K Joshi, Treasurer of Association
08 Shri S V Narayankar, Org. Secretary of Association
09 Shri W S Janbandhu, Org. Secretary of Association
10 Shri S P Sardal, Member of Association
11 Shri A V Pathak, Member of Association
12. Shri M.M.Tople, Member of Association

13. President of the Association requested all the attending members to contact at least 2 Retired Officers from the lists of Retired Officers yet to be enrolled as IPROA Member with their mobile numbers, circulated to all. All the members were requested to enrol more members by contacting the remaining Retired Gazetted Officers of India Posts for enrolment as IPROA Members.

14. It was suggested by Shri P.T. Badgujar to send the minutes of the meeting to the members not having what’s’ app or email facility by ordinary post. This was unanimously approved.

15 Next meeting of the Association was proposed to be held tentatively on Saturday the  24th February 2018, at 11.30 am in the Conference Hall of Dadar IQ 5th floor Dadar H.O. Mumbai 400014 under the Chairmanship of Shri R Ganesan Ex-Secretary Posts followed by Lunch, sponsored by the members.
16. Shri S.P.Sardal extended vote of thanks to Shri R. Ganesan Hon’ble President of the Association & Vice Presidents and all the attending members for their active participation in the meeting. Special thanks were extended to the outstation members for attending the meeting.
Lunch was served to the members after the meeting.

President                                                                                                           Secretary    

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