Saturday, 25 November 2017

Prescribing Generic Drugs A Must – Government

Prescribing Generic Drugs A Must – Government

Prescribing Generic Drugs A Must – Government

Mumbai: Giving patients a choice, the State government has said doctors will now have to mention generic names of medicines instead of prescribing a certain brand. Armed with a generic prescription, patients can now go in for low-cost options.
In a statement issued on Friday, the government said as per a decision of the Maharashtra Medical Council (MMC) under clause 1.5 of the Indian Medical Council Regulations, doctors should prescribe drugs with generic names “written legibly and preferably in capital letters”. They shall also ensure there is a “rational prescription and use of drugs”.
Confirming this, Dr. Dilip Wange, registrar, MMC, said, “A doctor found violating this directive shall face disciplinary action by the MMC.” In April, the Medical Council of India (MCI) had warned doctors of action if they fail to adhere to its guideline on prescribing drugs only with generic names. In 2016, the MCI amended clause 1.5 of the Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations, 2002. This mandates doctors to prescribe medicines by generic names.”
Source: The Hindu

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