Thursday, 30 November 2017

Social Security Schemes to Gramin Dak Sevaks : A small study

Social Security Schemes to Gramin Dak Sevaks : A small study

National Union (FNPO & NUGDS) Report to GDS Pay Committee & Directorate :

GDS ar deprived of the State Government welfare/ pension schemes which are available to common man, as the State Govt. consider the working/ discharged GDS as Central Govt.employee and reject their application on this ground.

There are several schemes launched by the Central & State Govt. for housing , health , emoyment etc. But the benefits of these programmes are not reaching to GDS and their family members because of their projected status as a Govt.employee.

For example in Andhra Pradesh & Telangana States , GDS are not eligible for issuing White Ration Card , medical re-embursement schemes like Aarogyasri & NTR Vaidhya Bheema , Housing schemes , childrens educational fee re-embursement , Old age pension etc. which were provided to all COMMON MAN living in these both States.

Therefore we are in the view , that the Central and State Governments not treated GDS as a COMMON MAN also.

Department View :

The GDS are not covered under CCS (Pension ) Rules,1972 and therefore , they are not entitled for any pension,GPF and other benefits . So, DoP has sympathytically designed some social security schemes to GDS i.e. Sevarance now called as Service Dischage Benefit Scheme (SDBS) ,Gratuity,Group Insurance etc.

Sevarance ( SDBS ):

For each completed year of service @1500/- up to 2011 and there after SDBS scheme is introduced . At present maximum amount payable to GDS to this scheme is Rs.60,000/-

Ex-Gratia Gratuity :

At present maximum amount payable to GDS to this scheme is Rs.60,000/-

Group Insurance Scheme : 

At present insurance coverage of Rs.50,000 with a monthly subscription of Rs.50 is available to all GDS. But it is not a attractive scheme when compared to PMJJBY.

Committee Recommendations :

In the above said two schemes , the GDS Committee recommended 1.5 Lakh to Sevarence amount with delinking the SDBS and 5 Lakhs to Gratuity.GIS recommended for 5 Lakhs with a monthly subscription of Rs.500.

But according to latest information, Severance & gratuity schemes are recommended @1.5 Lakh by the Greatest Departmental Committee who knows everything about GDS System and also who are enjoying on the slavery deaths of GDS.No change of insurance coverage of Rs.50,000 in case of GDS GIS.

Conclusion :

Rules must made according to Labour Laws and Constitution of India

But, not with in the four walls of the AC ROOM according to Department wish.

CH.Laxmi Narayana

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