Saturday, 16 December 2017

CGHS Orders: Family Members of Central Government Servant no residing with him/her - No. S-12015/1/85-CGHS (P) dt. 8/7/1985

CGHS Orders: Family Members of Central Government Servant no residing with him/her - No. S-12015/1/85-CGHS (P) dt. 8/7/1985

CGHS Orders: Family Members of Central Government Servant no residing with him/her - No. S-12015/1/85-CGHS (P) dt. 8/7/1985

Text of MH & FW. O.M No. S-12015/1/85-CGHS (P) dt. 8/7/1985

CGHS Facilities to the Family Members of Central Government Servant no residing with him/her.

The undersigned is directed to say that in accordance with the instructions contained in this ministry’s O.M. No. 6(1)-1/54-H dated 1/5/1954 only those family members of a Central Government employee who are wholly dependent and are residing, with him/her can avail CGHS facilities. 

It has come to notice that difficulties are being faced by such family members, who are wholly dependent on government servants but are residing permanently in some other city in an area covered by the Scheme, as they are not allowed to avail CGHS facilities. 

In order to mitigate the hardship it has been decided that family members who are wholly dependent upon the Central Government employee but who are residing in another city in an area covered under the Scheme will also be eligible for availing of CGHS facilities. 

In such cases, the issuing authority after confirming that the family members of the Central Government employee residing in some other city are actually residing in an area covered under the scheme, will issue two separate CGHS cards-one for the Central Government employee and the other for his/her family members.

2. The CGHS cards for the family members will be issued by the concerned Ministries/Departments for a period not exceeding one year at a time and renewable thereafter for similar periods after obtaining a certificate from the Government servant that his family is residing in the same city/area. The card should be signed by an officer not below the rank and status of an Under Secretary to the Government of India.

3. A quarterly statement showing brief particulars of the cards issued should be sent to the Director, CGHS in the proforma enclosed for the quarters ending March, June, September and December each year. Nil statements need not be furnished.

4. These instructions will not be applicable to any other category of person(s) who are not Central Government employees but who have been allowed to avail CGHS facilities. Statement showing the particulars of the Family Member(s) of Government servants who are not residing with the Government servant and in respect of whom separate CGHS card has been issued.

Particulars of the Family Member
Designation of the Government servant
Name Date of Birth
Relationship with the Government Servant 



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