Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Frequently asked Questions regarding on-line booking of Central Government Holiday Homes / Tourist Officers Hostels.

Frequently asked Questions regarding on-line booking of Central Government Holiday Homes / Tourist Officers Hostels.

Directorate of Estates, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs maintains 16 Central Government Holiday Homes and 52 Touring Officers Hostels throughout India which are provided on rent to MPs, working and retired Central Government Employees, State Government Employees, and PSU Employuees on first come first serve basis.
Directorate has released following FAQ (Freqently Asked Questions) and reply to the same
Sl. No.
Who can apply   for booking of
Holiday Homes
The  booking  is  released  on  ‘first-come  first-
serve’   basis.      After   submission   of   online
application  and  successful  payment  booking
ID No. is generated. However, Priority shall be
given in the following order:a.   Sitting Member of Parliament
b.   Serving Central Govt. Employees c.    Retired Central Govt. Employees
d.   Serving/Retired   employees   of   State Governments/Union Territories / Central PSUs/ Autonomous/ Statutory bodies employees
How the booking is confirmed?
The booking of Holiday Homes is confirmed
after  successful  completion  of  filling  up  of
required   details   on-line   and   payment   of
requisite booking charges.   The confirmation
slip with allotted room no. is generated and
has  to  be  verified  by  the  concerned  office
Does  the  confirmation  required
to be submitted to the Directorate of Estates?
There  is  no  need  to  send  the  copy  of  the
confirmation slip to the Directorate of Estates. The applicant may directly go to the allotted Holiday Homes alongwith the verified confirmation   slip   duly   attested   by   his/her office and his/her I.D. Cards/Self-attested copy of Pensioners Pay Order.
Is   there   any   time   Limit   for
Submission           of           Online
Serving  Central  Government  employees  can
apply online within 60 days from the Check-in- date,  Retired  Central  Govt.  Employees  can apply online within 30 days from the Check-in- date and Serving/ Retired employees of State Govt./ Union    Territories/PSUs/Statutory/ Autonomous Bodies under the Central/State/ UT can apply within 15 days from the Check- in-date.
Is there any procedure for refund
of  payment  in  case  of cancellation of booking or non- occupation of booked rooms of Holiday Homes by the applicant?
There is no provision for refund of reservation
charges even if the accommodation is not occupied or partly occupied or vacated early. No  correspondence  regarding  refund  of booking charges will be entertained either by the Directorate of Estates or the concerned Holiday Home.

Can anyone book more than one
room  in  his/her  name  on  the same dates?
No, Only one room/suite will be booked in the
name of one Government servant/family.
For how many days, booking for
holiday  homes  can  be  done  at once?
Accommodation is provided for a period not
exceeding 5 nights except at Holiday Homes/Guest Houses at Mussoorie, Goa and Udaipur where the period of stay has been restricted to 3 nights maximum.
Whether  offline  application  for
booking of holiday homes is still accepted?
No,  there  is  no  provision  of  accepting  the
booking  of  holiday  homes  in  offline  mode where online booking has been started by the Directorate of Estates.
Can anyone transfer his booking to any other person?
No,  there  is  no  provision  of  transferring  the booking  to  any  other  person.  Entry  will  be
provided to those whose names appear on the confirmation slip of the booking.
What is the capacity of rooms?
The  capacity  of  double  bedded  rooms  is  4
persons including two children in the double- bedded rooms while capacity of four bedded rooms is 6 persons including two children. Persons exceeding the limit will not be allowed entry or provided services over and above the capacity of rooms.
Can  any  person  be  allowed  to
avail his booking without his ID Card or Copy of PPO?
NO, he/she will not be allowed to enter the
holiday   homes   and   avail   the   facilities   in absence of his/her Identity Cards.
What facilities will be provided
at Holiday Homes?
The following items only once at the time of
occupation of the rooms : toilet soap (small) – one, washed towel – one, washed bed- sheet/bed-cover   –   one   set,   washed   pillow covers – one set, fresh toilet-paper roll are provided by caretaker.
What  are  the  charges  for  the
catering service if provided?
The  Catering  charges  will  be  settled  by  the
Guest concerned only wherever the facility is

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