Monday, 9 April 2018

Second IPO Coaching class at Madurai

Second IPO Coaching class at Madurai


Shri. M.Bakthavatchalam. M.A. B.L., Senior Supdt. of Post Offices (Retired) and  Shri. P.Karunanithy, Supdt. of Pos (Retired) will conduct Coaching class for eight days for ensuing IPO examination at Madurai as detailed below:

Tamilnadu Government Employees Association building, No. 11, Mela Perumal Maistry veethi, near Chennai Silks and opposite  to Park Plaza Hotel, opposite Railway station , Madurai 625 001
                              Eight  days classes
06.05.2018    (Sunday) to 13.05.2018 – (Sunday)

Many candidates from Punjab, Jharkandh, Uttara Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Bihar, Kerala, Andra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka and Tamilnadu have attended the previous coaching classes. Many RMS Candidates have also attended he coaching class.

Subjects on revised syllabus will be taught in the coaching class

1. Coaching classes will be conducted from 0830 hours to 1830 hours.

2. Special classes will be conducted for RMS Candidates regarding postal side basic matters.

3. Study materials can be obtained in the coaching class.

4. Fees: Rs. 500/- (Five hundred only)  per day.

5. Coaching classes are conducted in English only. IPO candidates from neighbouring Circles may also participate.

5. Male and female officers may stay in  Hotel Grands Central, No. 82, Mela Perumal Maistry Veethi, Near Chennai Silks, opposite to Railway Station Madurai 625 001. (Contact number: 0452 2343940 and Mobile No. 90431 33312). Rent for Double Bedroom per day is Rs. 600/-. There is no separate single room. We have to book only double bedroom This lodge is very nearer to our coaching class.

6. Another lodge is available for male candidates as detailed below:
        LODGE SELECTION, No. 70, Town Hall Road, opposite to Railway Station Madurai 625 001.                                                               
(Contact number: 0452 2342625 and 0452 4377087).

Rent for Single Bedroom per day is Rs. 320/-.
Rent for Double Bedroom per day is Rs. 420/-.
Rent for Triple  Bedroom per day is Rs. 520/-. This lodge is also very nearer to our coaching class.

7. Ladies Hostel facility: THENDRAL VILLA WOMEN’S HOSTEL, No. 19, V.P.Ratinasamy Nadar Road, Near Ulavar Santhai, B.B.Kulam, Madurai 625 002.        Warden: Smt. M.Devi Contact numbers: 96260 88806 and 73050 20787. Only Rs.350/- is charged per day for both boarding and lodging.

8. Please bring the following books which are under the serial numbers of my list of books for IPO Examination.
        Sl No. 1, 4, 5, 10, 11,14, 17,18,19,20, 21, 22, 24, 25,  28, 29, 37,  42 and 43.

Important note: Willing officials  are requested to send a SMS to Cell No:  094433 29681 regarding their participation in the coaching class. This is very much required for making other arrangements.

For further details,  please contact
  1. Shri. P.Karunanithy,B.Sc., Retired SPOs : Cell number : 094433 29681 and
  1. Shri. M.Bakthavatsalam. M.A. B.L., Retired SSPOs Cell number: 075984 81056
Welcome to all.


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