Monday, 21 May 2018

The FNPO & affiliated unions totally support the GDS indefinite Strike from 22 May 2018

The FNPO & affiliated unions totally support the GDS indefinite Strike from 22 May 2018

1. Arranging picketing’s at HO’s and bigger offices & Divisional offices specially in CO & RO’s.

2. Do not go against the GDS employees Indefinite Strike.

3. Don’t allow departmental employees to interfere with the duties of GDS employees.

4. Don’t allow any transactions with out RICT & don’t allow any officiating arrangements. 

We should see that this strike is total success and no departmental employee should obstruct the strike according to the GDS employees demand. We should act for the success of strike .

The PJCA is observing the situation and it will embark on a total strike according to the situation.

We appeal to the Postal Board and Ministry of Communications to take appropriate decision soon.

The PJCA already made this intension to join the strike and many Circles joining the strike from tomorrow which is a spontaneous action.

The Postal Joint Council of Action is not responsible for the stalling of postal operations and the responsibility rest with the Ministry of Communications and the Government of India.


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