Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Railways: Re-engagement of retired employees in exigencies of service

Railways: Re-engagement of retired employees in exigencies of service

Railways: Re-engagement of retired employees in exigencies of service

No. E(NG)II/2007/RC-4/CORE/1
New Delhi, Dated 27.3.2019
The General Manager (P)
All Indian Railways/PUs

Sub:- Re-engagement of retired employees in exigencies of service.

Ref:- (i) No. E(NO)II/2007/RC-4/CORE/1 dated 11.12.2009 (RBE No.219/2009)
(ii) No. E(NG)II/2007/RC-4/CORE/1 dated 16.10.2017 (RBE No.150/2017)
(iii) No. E(NG)II/2007/RC-4/CORE/1 dated 12.12.2018 (RBE No.193/2017)
Attention is invited to Board’s letters cited above regarding modalities of re-engagement of retired employees and remuneration to be paid to them. Some Railways have brought to the notice of the Board that there is an issue of disparity in revised rates/remuneration to re-engaged staff prior to and post 16.10.2017. The issue also figures as AIRF PNM agenda item No. 18/2018. The matter has been examined in Board’s office carefully and it has been decided as under with the concurrence of Finance Directorate.

a) All employees who have worked for more than a year as on 16.10.2018 on daily rates in accordance with terms and conditions under RBE No.219/2009 and are continuing to be so engaged presently will be eligible for the monthly rates in terms of the 16.10.2017 (RBE No.150/2017) circular with effect from 16.10.2018. This is subject to (b) below.

b) Where any re-engaged employee’s extant contract specifies in writing an extended period of validity of more than one year and this spills over beyond 16.10.2018, the revision in eligibility as per the 2017 rates will be admissible only from such extended date.

c) Revised terms and conditions will be drawn up accordingly as per (a) and/or (b) above as applicable. Revised contract will clearly specify the validity as not more than one year that can be renewed as per applicable terms and conditions. Other usual stipulations (including maximum age) will continue to apply.

This disposes of WCR’s letter NO. WCR/V-HQ/Comp./2018/AuW11 dated 04.09.2018.

(Neeraj Kumar)
Director Estt. (N)II
Railway Board.
Source: Railway Board

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