Sunday 7 July 2019


The 4th Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) of “India Posts’ Retired Officers’ Association” was held on Saturday the 29th June 2019 at 11.0 a.m. in the Conference Hall of Dadar Inspection Quarters (I.Q.) Dadar H.O. Building 5th floor Dadar (East) Mumbai 400014 under the Chairmanship of Shri R Ganesan Ex-Secretary to Government of India, Director General, Department of Posts India, New-Delhi-110001 and President of the Association.

2.       Following members of Association were present in the meeting.
            1. Ms Humera Ahmed------------ Vice- President
           2..  Shri U. P.C. Tauro--------------Secretary
            3.  Shri R.K. Joshi--------------------Treasurer
            4.  Shri W.S.Janbandhu------------ Org. Secretary
            5.  Shri S.P.Sardal--------------------Member
            6   Shri Bachhan Prasad------------Member
            7.  Smt  V.Mallika--------------------Member
            8.  Shri M.M.Tople------------------ Member
            9.  Shri P.V.Mathure-----------------Member
           10.  Shri R.S.Rajan---------------------Member   
           11.  Shri J.S.Patil----------------------- Member
           12.  Shri B.S.Torave------------------- Member
           13.  Shri M.R.Sapkal------------------Member
           14.  Shri K.N.Kulkarni-------------- -Member
           15.  Shri N.D.Sonar--------------------Member
           16.   Shri N.S.Wankhede-------------Member
           17.  Shri R.Y.Lonsane-----------------Member
           18.  Shri M.D.Mane------------------- Member
           19.  Shri S.P.Hire-----------------------Member
           20.  Shri M.L.Dalvi--------------------Member
           21.  Shri D.B.Kadam------------------Member
           22.  Shri Edwin Amburaj------------Member
           23.  Shri P.M.Shirsat------------------Member
           24.  Shri V.M.Dekate------------------Member
           25.  Shri M.H.Rodge------------------Member
           26.  Shri G.D.Patil----------------------Member
           27.  Shri M.S.Nimje--------------------Member
           28   Shri M.L.Dalvi---------------------Member

 3.    At the outset, two minutes’ silence was observed by the members in condolence of departed Departmental Collegues Shri S P Kate, Retired SSPOs Pune City West Dn, an IPROA Member, Shri Kaulgi Retired APMG (Staff) C.O. Mumbai, Shri P R Gaikwad, Retired APMG (Staff) C.O. Mumbai an IPROA Member and 29 Years old son of Shri P.K. Shewale, SSPOs Mumbai North West Dn, Kandivali East Mumbai 400101.
4.   a) Shri W S Janbandhu   Org. Secretary of IPROA welcomed the President and Vice-Presidents and all esteemed members present in the meeting. He happily mentioned that the strength of members both Mumbai and outstations has reached more than 200 He categorically stated that the credit goes to Our Secretary and his unrelenting efforts to reach the membership to the extent of more than 200 in Circle. He thanked and praised all Members for their presence in today’s meeting in spite of dislocations in local Central and Western trains, unforeseen hurdles and obstacles put forth by heavy incessant rains in Mumbai City for the last 2 days.
         b) He further stated that the official what’s app group of IPROA which was introduced at the time of formation of IPROA some 3 to 4 years back is losing its sanctity and becoming a laughable stock. The real purpose of this what’s app group to pass on valuable and important information’s relating to DOP is defeated. For example, the birthday wishing message by any one Member of IPROA is followed by many Members though they are known to him or not and immediately followed by the message of condolences/Shradhanjali with photos. Besides, the messages from the member about non settlement of his grievance is relayed through this group.  He requested the President of IPROA to advise and guide all Members in this connection in his key note address.  
         c) He then introduced and welcomed the following new members who attended the meeting first time. All members present in the meeting also joined in welcoming them
             i.  Shri N.D.Sonar
             ii. Shri R.Y.Lonsane
            iii. Shri M.L.Dalvi
            iv. Shri M.D.Mane
            v.  Shri S.P.Hire
            vi. Shri Edwin Amburaj 
            vii. Shri M.L.Dalvi
 5.    Shri U.P.C. Tauro, Secretary of the Association informed all the members that the minutes of the 3rd Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) held on Saturday the 23rd June 2018 at 11.0 a.m in the Conference Hall of Dadar Inspection Quarters (I.Q.) Dadar H.O. Building 5th floor Dadar (East) Mumbai 400014 were circulated to all members through what’s app as well as through e mail & also posted in Associations’ Blog The hard copies were posted to the members not having what’s app/email facility. The minutes of the last AGM were got ratified unanimously.
6.      While welcoming all members present in the meeting, Shri R Ganesan, President of the Association in his key note address, mentioned that it was heartening to see that much attendance in spite of very difficult weather posing challenge our movement. He specifically mentioned that we should never forget that we are in Association IPROA to enjoy that warmth and bonhomie, nothing more nothing less. The motto of the Association is Care * Share* Welfare. The purpose for which the Association was formed has been served in this approach, the rest are incidental. Today’s gathering is the testimony to that spirit.
(ii) He also pointed out that the official what’s app group of IPROA was not for chatting. The posting of many messages of birthday and condolences together is uncomfortable. If message is given to known person, the purpose is achieved to develop bond between them.  
He also suggested and requested to all members to refrain from posting of messages critical of each other in the official what’s app group of IPROA as the group is meant for love and to interact with each other. There should not be any interaction to create bad and unpleasant atmosphere, but only to enjoy the friendship of yesteryears.
 (iii) He requested the Secretary that our message in this regard may be circulated to all those who did not attend the meeting and others in Regions. 
   7.       Ms Humera Ahmed Vice President of the Association briefed the members about the health condition of Shri A. P. Srivastava our Vice-President IPROA. She suggested that as they have a group of IPOS 79 batch the members can form groups of 10-12 members as per IPO/ASP/ SP/SSP promotions. She further suggested that there should be 3 meetings in a year, including one AGM to be held in the first week of June every year, two meetings including AGM with Lunch & the other one with high tea.
               President stated that there is no objection to having three meetings provided there is enough response as reflected in good attendance by the members. If the response is poor, then it strains the organisers both physically and financially. We can have three meetings when we get good response to be known at least a week before the meeting date. The Secretary will communicate next meeting date accordingly.  
    8.    Shri U.P.C.Tauro Secretary of the Association presented the Annual Report to bring home the various activities of the Association since last AGM. He told the members that the copy of the Annual report is kept in the broachers given to the attending members. The Annual Report was adopted unanimously. The said report is being sent to all the members by what’s app, email & also being published in the Blog. The hard copies will be posted to the members not having what’s app/email facility.
  9.     Shri R.K.Joshi Treasurer of the Association presented the Audited Financial Report of the year 2018-2019. The copy of the Audited Financial Report was kept in the broachers given to the attending members. It was passed & adopted unanimously. The said financial report is being sent to all the members by what’s app, email & also being published in the Blog. The hard copies will be posted to the members not having what’s app/email facility.
 10.      Passing of amendment to the Bye-Laws was deferred for paucity of time.
 11.   General Body Members unanimously re-elected the existing Management Committee Members for the next two years with the induction of following members: -
            (i) Shri S.P.Sardal Vice President vice late Shri V.L.Raichur.
           (ii) Shri Edwin Amburaj Jt. Secretary
            ii) Smt.V.Mallika  Jt. Secretary
12.    Shri J S Patil was re-nominated as Internal Auditor of the Association for the year 2019-20.        
 13.   In respect of benefits that accrue to the Pensioners and Sr. Citizens the Secretary requested the members to go through the broachers distributed to them.
   14.    The issue regarding granting the benefits of MACPS w.e.f.1.1.2006, as per Sixth CPC and Judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court was deliberated. It was informed to the house by the Secretary that this issue is being pursued vigorously with the Government by JCM. This issue was also discussed during the 47th Meeting of the National Council (J.C.M.) held on 13th April 2019, in Conference Hall, Rail Bhavan, New Delhi, minutes of which have been already circulated to the members.
   15.    Deliberations were held regarding Non-Functional Financial Upgradation in respect of Supdt of Post Offices from Level 8 (GP 4800) to Level 9 (GP 5400) after 4 years of Service in G.P.4800/-. It was informed to the house by the Secretary that this issue is being pursued by the Postal Officers Association with the Department. The General Secretary has written to The Member (Personnel) on 21/06/2019 to give convenient date for a meeting to discuss this issue along with other issue relating to redefining the financial benefits in terms of 2nd and 3rd MACP at appropriate GP TO Senior IPs/ASPs, consequent upon placing IPs/ASPs in the same GP of 4600/- w.e.f. 01/01/2006
              It’s now gathered from reliable sources that DOPT has returned the file to Directorate informing that detailed instructions will be issued in the matter shortly. DOPT is likely to issue Orders for MACP II to GP 4800 w.e.f. 01/09/20008 ignoring ASP Promotion earned prior to 01/01/2006 and MACP III to G.P.5400 on completion of 30 years.
16.     Regarding the re-fixing the Grade Pay to ASPOs on account of 2nd ACP & 3rd MACP consequent upon placing IPs/ASPs in the same GP of 4600/- w.e.f. 01/01/2006, there was difference of opinions. Shri M.D. Mane pointed out to refer Rule 5. He further pointed out that he had submitted many individual representations to Directorate in this regard without any fruitful results.
17        In view of the requests from members to deal individual it was felt that a Core Committee can examine such issues which the members desire to pursue through the Association.
              The Core Committee will consist of the following members.
(i)              Shri S. A. Siwal -----------------Chairman
(ii)           Shri Edwin Amburaj -----------Secretary
(iii)           Ms V. Mallika--------------------Member
             The Core Committee can co-opt any Member Officer who they feel is competent to comment on the case of the Grieved Officer.
              The Officer who desires that his individual case to be pursued will submit the   representation (hard copy) addressed to the Secretary IPROA   at the following address either by Speed Post or Registered letter
                       Shri Tauro U.P.C
                       A-2/104 Sai Shubham CHSL,
                       Sunder Nagar, Next to New Indian Oil Petrol Pump,
                       Mira Road East 401107.
               The representation should consist of the following
1.      Brief History of the grievance
2.      Copy/Copies of the representations made
3.      Copies of the Ruling/Court Case if any referred in the representation.
               If the representation received is complete, the Secretary IPROA will send it to the Secretary Core Committee. Secretary Core Committee after coordination with the members of Core Committee will decide the date & venue for their meeting. The Core Committee is at liberty to call the aggrieved officer to present his case.
               After deliberations the Core Committee will submit the report signed by all the members to the Secretary IPROA, who will after approval from the President will pursue the grievance if recommended by the Core Committee. The decision arrived at by this process will be final.
18.  Deliberations were held regarding one notional increment to the pensioners retired                                           on 31st December and 30th June.  It was informed to the house by the Secretary that on the request of the members, the Association had taken up case of one notional increment to the Pensioners retired on 31st December and 30th June with Secretary Dept of Posts through our Hon’ble President vide letter dated 04/12/2018 requesting to look into the matter favorably so that pensioners who get benefit out of this order will have some extra money in their pocket to spend their old age with some relief in these times of high cost of medical treatments and living as such itself. The Department of Posts (Pension Section) vide Office Memorandum No 100-10/2018-Pension dated 10th January 2019 had forwarded our representation to the Department of Expenditure EV Branch, North Block, New Delhi for their consideration and appropriate action, as the issue raised in the representation does not come under the purview of Department of Post. It was further informed by the Secretary that CAT Madras Bench vide their order in MA/310/00071/2019 (in) (&) OA/310/00170/2019 dated 13/03/2019 had dismissed the OA. The judgement was read out. 

19.       The outstanding subscription was deliberated. It was requested by the Secretary to all members to ensure up to date payment of Annual Subscription. Regarding action to be taken in respect of members who have not paid Registration fee & 3 years’ subscription, since non-payment of 3 years’ subscription amounts to cessation of membership it was decided to remove them from IPROA Membership duly intimating them & to re-join them when all the dues are paid.

20.          Regarding the action plan for the Outstation Members the Secretary informed the house as already discussed in the last meeting Local meetings at Regional Level can be held within the purview of Bye-Laws of the Association. Action can be taken as per minutes of last meeting held on 20/10/2018. The members of Goa Region are requested to elect their Regional Secretary as Shri Gundappa Bhokare has submitted his resignation on health grounds.

21.         Secretary requested to enrol more members by contacting the remaining Retired Gazetted Officers’ of India Posts including the Resigned Officers and also to ensure the payment of due subscription by the members whose subscription is outstanding as per list given in the broachers distributed to them.

  22..        Shri S. P. Sardal extended vote of thanks to Shri R. Ganesan, President of the Association, Vice President and all the attending members for their active participation in the Annual General Body Meeting. Special thanks were extended to the Outstation Members for attending the meeting despite heavy rains.

23.         Delicious lunch was served to the members after the meeting.

 24..       Next meeting will be held on Saturday 12th October 2019 after Dussehra & before Diwali in the Conference Hall of Dadar Inspection Quarters (I.Q.) Dadar H.O. Building 5th floor Dadar (East) Mumbai 400014 followed by Lunch.

            President                                                                                                                 Secretary


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