Thursday, 5 September 2019

Action Taken Report on 30th SCOVA meeting and New Agenda Items of the 31st SCOVA meeting

Action Taken Report on 30th SCOVA meeting and New Agenda Items of the 31st SCOVA meeting

Action Taken Report on the minutes of the 30th SCOVA meeting and New Agenda Items of the 31st SCOVA meeting

42/03/2019-P&PW (D)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G and Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-110003

Date: 03rd Sept, 2019

All the Pensioners Associations included in SCOVA
included vide Resolution dated 31.01.2018

Subject: Action Taken Report on the minutes of the 30th SCOVA meeting and New Agenda Items of the 31st SCOVA meeting -reg

Please find enclosed herewith Action Taken Report on the minutes of the 30th SCOVA meeting held on 23.03.2018 and a list of New Agenda Items of 31st SCOVA meeting for your kind perusal.

Encl: as above
(Charanjit Taneja)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Action Taken Report on the Minutes of the 30th SCOVA meeting held on 23.03.2018

Gist of discussion held during the last SCOVA meetingAction Taken Report
1.Item No. 5(i) of the 30th SCOVA minutes 

Revision of PPOs of Pre-2006 Air Force pensioners.

CGDA informed that out of total 1,39,504 Air Force Pensioners, 76,591 were identified as pre-2006 pensioners. Revised authority of 69,595 has been issued. 6996 cases are pending due to non-matching of records provided by PDAs.

The Air Force Association informed that the claim of CGDA that there are only 1,39,504 Air Force Pensioners is incorrect. It was brought out by Secretary, Air Force Association that in March 2017, the Raksha Mantri while giving an answer to Lok Sabha Starred question had indicated the figure as 2,05,942. Further, in Feb, 2018, The JCDA(AF) has shown the figure as 2,60,895 Air Force Pensioners in an excel sheet marked as “CPPC wise, no. of pensioner- Airforce” and sent to Directorate of Air Veterans (DAV) Air HQ. As regards the number of pre-06 Air Force Pensioners for whom Corrigendum PPOs have not been issued, the number is close to 1,00,000 and not 6,996 as stated by CGDA

CGDA was requested to reconcile the figures in consultation with Directorate of Air Veterans, Air HQ and issue revised authority and also take urgent action to identify the 6996 cases of pensioners

CGDA was asked to fix a target of 3 months for completion of this activity.

(Action: CGDA)

It is intimated that with the issue of MOD letter dated 17.10.2018 regarding revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners in implementation of Govt. decision on recommendations of the 7th CPC on notional pay fixation method, Corrigendum PPOs containing updated entitlement are being issued to all pensioners and left over cases of pre- 2006 Air Force pensioners under Project Sangam will also be covered. There may be no relevance of issuance of Sangam PPOs of left over cases at this stage.
2.Item no. 5(ii) of the 30th SCOVA minutes 

Health Insurance Scheme for pensioners including those residing in Non-CGHS area

Ministry of Health & FW informed that, EFC Memo regarding finalization of Health Insurance Scheme was pending with Department of Expenditure. Ministry of Health was advised to follow up the matter with Department of Expenditure for taking a final decision in this regard.

(Action: Ministry of Health and Department of Expenditure)
Ministry of Health

The final EFC Memo regarding finalization of the proposed Health Insurance Scheme for Central Government Employees and Pensioners was forwarded for appraisal of Expenditure Finance Committee. The Ministry is pursuing the matter with Department of Expenditure.
3.Item no. 5(v) of the 30th SCOVA minutes 

Conversion of Postal Dispensary at Cantt. Road Cuttack to CGHS Wellness Centre.

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that a comprehensive proposal for merger of all postal dispensaries in CGHS has been under examination in consultation with Department of Posts. This involves the issue of filling up of vacant posts in P&T dispensaries. The matter will be referred to Department of Expenditure for their approval and the process is likely to be completed in 3 months time.

(Action: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare)
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

Orders have been issued by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare vide OM dated 21.12.2018 for merger of all P&T dispensaries with CGHS.
4.Item no. 5(vi) of the 30th SCOVA minutes 

Anomaly in fixation of pension of DoT employees who were absorbed in BSNL and retired between 01.10.2000 and 30.07.2001

In order to address the grievance of the employees who retired between 01.10.2000 to 31.07.2001, the Department  of Pension & Pensioners Welfare had suggested a formula so that these employees do have to suffer on account of fixation of their pension in IDA scale on retirement from BSNL. DOT had referred the matter to Department of Expenditure for their approval. Department of Expenditure sought financial implications on the proposal. DoT was advised by Department of Expenditure to compile the information and send the same to Department of Expenditure.

DoT also informed that Hon’ble CAT in its order dated 16.12.2016 allowed the petition by some BSNL absorbee pensioners who retired during 01.10.2000 and 30.07.2001 for fixation of a pension at much higher rate. DoT filed a Writ Petition against CAT order which is still pending.

(Action: DoT, Department of Expenditure)

As regards the formula suggested by Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare, opinion/views of Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) have been sought on 19.11.2018 on the matter whether any other similar case of anomaly of pension has been reported by any other Ministry and how the anomaly was resolved in that case. Reminder sent on 25.06.2019 and reply is still awaited from DPE.

Regarding the court case, a WP(C) No. 10019/2017 has been filed in the Delhi High Court and the Hon’ble High Court has directed that no coercive steps shall be taken for implementing the judgement dated 16.12.2016 of Hon’ble CAT. The Delhi High Court in its order dated 08.02.2019 ordered that both the counsels shall prepare a common convenience volume of documents that they wish to rely on. Next date of hearing is 08.01.2020.

Department of Expenditure

The compiled information as sought by Department of Expenditure is still pending from DoT.
5.Item no. 5(vii) of the 30th SCOVA minutes 

Extension of benefits of upgraded Grade pay to pre- 2006 retirees of S-12 grade (Issue of grant of grade pay of Rs. 4600/- instead of Rs. 4200/-)

Dir(PP), DoPPW informed that a proposal for extending the benefit of Grade Pay of 4600/- for revision of pension to all pre-2006 pensioners who retired from pre-revised pay- scale of Rs. 6500-10,500/o was earlier referred to Department of Expenditure. However, the proposal was not agreed to by Deptt. of Expenditure. The matter was again referred to Department of Expenditure on 22.02.2018 and was requested to expedite their decision in the matter
(Action: DoPPW)
After the approval of Department of Expenditure, DoPPW has issued orders dated 04.01.2019 and 09.07.2019 in this regard.
6.Item no. 5(viii) of the 30th SCOVA minutes 

Merger of Survey of India Dispensary at Dehradun in CGHS on the same line as P&T

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that the proposal has been agreed to by Surveyor General of India and the matter is being examined in consultation with M/o Science and Technology. A Committee comprising officers of Survey of India and Directorate of General of CGHS to sort out the issue. Ministry of Health informed that decision is likely to be taken in a month’s time.

(Action: Ministry of Health and FW)
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare have issued orders dated 22.10.2018 in this regard.
7.Item no. 5(ix) of the 30th SCOVA minutes 

Stoppage of
recovery of wrongful/excess payments from Railways Pensioners

Ministry of Railways vide letter 04.05.2017 issued instructions to provisionally stop recovery from the pensioners till further advise from Railway Board. Ministry of Railways informed that Department of Expenditure has desired certain information which is being collected from zonal Railways and production units. The matter will be re- submitted to Deptt. of Expenditure for waiver of recovery.

Some Associations mentioned that the recovery was still continuing. The Pensioners Associations were requested to provide details of cases where instructions dated 04.05.2017 have not been implemented. Ministry of Railways was requested to expedite the final decision on the issue of recoveries in consultation with Department of Expenditure.

(Action: Ministry of Railways)
Ministry of Railways

The complete details of overpayments and recoveries is required to be compiled before sending the case to D/o Expenditure to seek their approval for waiver of recoveries made due to payment of excess pension. However, details from 6 Zonal Railways/PUs is still awaited.

As regards continued recovery after 04.05.2017, Only NF Railway Pensioners Association has forwarded a case to Ministry of Railways.
8.Item no. 5(x) of the 30th SCOVA minutes 

Delay in
commencement of family pension to spouse on death of pensioners.

DoPPW/CPAO instructions provide that family pension to widow should commence within one month from receipt of death certificate of deceased pensioner. CPAO informed that the family pension in 38% cases started within a period of one month only. In 47% case time taken was more than 6 months. CPAO issued instructions on 31.01.2018 for ensuring starting of family pension within the stipulated one month period.

DFS was requested to take up the matter with the banks at highest level to make sure that families of deceased pensioners get family pension in time. Further CPAO was advised that representatives from DFS may also be invited in meetings with banks.

(Action:- CPAO, DFS, CGDA and DoPPW)

CPAO reviewed/took up the delay in commencement of family pension with banks in meetings at various levels. Meetings with banks were held on 23.01.2019 and 24.01.2019 to review the status of delay in commencement of family pension to spouse.


Necessary guidelines in the matter have been issued by PCDA(P), Allahabad vide Circular No. 203 dated 17.07.2018 in which PDAs have been advised to make sure that families of the deceased pensioners are paid family pension within one month and acknowledgement is invariably given by the PDAs to the family member on receipt of death certificate of the deceased pensioner and application for commencement of family pension.

The Public Sector Banks have informed that family pension is commenced within 15 days to 2 months on receipt of all required documents like death certificate of pensioner, life certificate of family pensioner.
9.Item no. 5(xi) of the 30th SCOVA minutes 

Timely (i) Restoration of commuted pension and (ii) Commencement of Additional Pension on attaining the age of 80 years by the Banks.

CPAO informed that in more than 83% cases during 01.10.2016 to 30.09.2017 commuted pension was restored after a period of 12 months from the date it was due.

CPAO also informed in 87% cases the additional pension to old pensioners was started more than 12 months after the date it was due.

DFS was advised to instruct banks for making suitable modifications in the software for automatic restoration of commutated value of pension and commencement of additional pension/family pension.

CPAO in the meeting held with banks on 31.01.2018, directed the banks to make necessary provision in the software for timely restoration of commutation and commencement of additional pension. CPAO informed that CGA is in process of developing a common software of banks which takes care of delay in restoration of commutation and commencement of additional pension.

(Action:- CPAO, DFS and DoPPW)

The matter is being reviewed/taken up from time to time with all the CPPCs. It has been observed that banks restore commuted value of pension timely only in very few cases and in most of the cases, restoration is done after 4 to 5 months delay after completion of 15 years from the date of credit/payment of commutation value. Most of the CPPCs have already developed software for restoration of commutation amount and commencement of Additional Pension on attaining the age of 80 years and have informed that payment of the same is made automatically.


Most of the banks have automated system for restoration of commuted pension after 15 years and also for commencement of additional pension on attaining the age of 80 years. Few banks where automated system is not available are taking action manually within time limit.
10.Item no. 5(xii) of the 30th SCOVA minutes 

Item wise details of payment made to be shown in the pass books of pensioners.

DFS informed that instructions to banks have been issued in Jan, 2018. DoPPW informed that only SBI is implementing these instructions to some extent and other banks are not providing the details to pensioners. DFS was requested to issue fresh instructions in this regard.

CPAO informed that details regarding pension paid during last 24 months can be accessed from their website.

Joint Secretary (P&PW) asked Ministry of Railways to explore the feasibility of similar provisions in their software ARPAN.

(Action: DFS, CPAO, DoPPW and Ministry of Railways)

As per 4.6.7 of the Accounting and Operating procedure for CPPC of authorized banks for pension disbursement to Central Govt. civil pensioners, all the paying branches are responsible to provide pension slip and full break up of pension payments. All CPPCs in the meeting held on 23rd and 24th Jan, 2019 were instructed to create website/webpage with the facility to know the PPO status upon registration of pensioners grievances and also provide the pension slip break up of pension and arrear payments.

CPAO also provides various services including pension and payment information on online pension process tracking and online grievance redressal and tracking with its Web Response Pensioners Service (WRPS).

A dashboard facility has been provided to pensioners to view personal and pension related information, last 12 payment transaction details, downloads SSA, registration and tracking of grievances. Dashboard facility has been also provided to banks for better monitoring of pension processing and grievance redressal and the status of the grievances.

Ministry of Railways

Pensioners can now view their payment details for last 24 months to the extent of submission/uploading of e-scrolls by PSBs for said duration.

Department of Financial Services

At present, some banks are showing item wise details in pass book, some are providing pension pay slip. Most of the banks have initiated sending of SMS with breakup of pension credit and statement of monthly pension to the pensioners with registered mobile no. in banks.
11.Item no. 5(xiv) of the 30th SCOVA minutes 

Upgradation of Polyclinic at Bajaj Nagar, Jaipur

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that upgradation of polyclinic has already been completed. Association raised issue of replacement of old equipments for Eye and ENT treatment. Ministry of Health and FW informed that these issues will be considered on receipt of a request. Ministry of Health stated that an officer of the Department will visit Jaipur in April,2018 to sort out all pending issues relating to dispensary.

Regarding generation of online report, the matter has been taken up with NIC. It was also informed in the meeting that messages regarding medicines are already being sent through SMS.

(Action: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare)
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

The necessary equipment as considered justified have already been installed. NIC has also requested beneficiaries to update their emails so that information can be sent to beneficiaries online. Further, in order to enable the viewing of online reports, NIC is taking action for development of a new version of CGHS Software and once the said software is ready the facility would be made available.

Additional Director, CGHS, Jaipur has been asked to discuss the issue with concerned Pensioners Association who had raised it.
12.Item no. 5(xv) of the 30th SCOVA minutes 

Setting up of CGHS Wellness Centre at Kochi

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that the proposal for opening of 8 new CGHS Wellness Centres in the country including one at Kochi has been referred to Deptt. of Expenditure. Further action on this issue will be taken on receipt of approval from Department of Expenditure.

(Action:-Ministry of Health and Family Welfare)
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

Opening of new CGHS Wellness Centre at Kochi has been approved. A building for the same has also been identified and legal formalities are underway to take the building on rent. CGHS Wellness centre shall start functioning once the possession of the building is taken and necessary renovations are done.
13.Item no. 5(xvi) of the 30th SCOVA minutes 

Empanelment of Hospitals/Health Centre with CGHS in Ambernath/ Dobivli

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that they prescribe terms and conditions and rates for empanelment of private hospitals under CGHS. A private hospital in Ambarnath could be empanelled under CGHS only if such a hospital applies and accepts the terms and conditions and rates of CGHS.

(Action: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare)
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

Empanelment of Hospitals under CGHS is a continuous process and CGHS considers empanelment of any eligible Healthcare Provider that applies for empanelment and agrees to the terms and conditions of empanelment.
14.Item (30.1) of the 30th SCOVA minutes 

Revision of PPOs of pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners as per 7th CPC orders.

In the meeting, Ministries/Department gave the following status report regarding revision of PPOs of pre-2016 pensioners as per 7th CPC.

Mins /DepttTotal no. of casesRevised authority issued
CPAO9.06 lakh5,13,160
CGDA Defence Civilian5,58,7611,52,417

Ministry of Defence informed that monitoring of revision of cases is done at the highest level i.e Secretary (Def). CGDA is also monitoring these cases fortnightly. Concordance tables for service pensioners have been prepared and will be submitted to Ministry of Defence for approval.

Some Defence Pensioners Associations raised point of following different guidelines by PCDA(P) Allahabad than the guidelines issued by CPAO. It was advised to CGDA to issue centralized guidelines so that the same guidelines are followed in their all units.

Target date for all Ministries/Departments was fixed as 30.05.2018. Ministry of Defence/ CGDA to complete this task by 30.06.2018.

(Action:- CPAO, Posts, Telecom, Railways, Ministry of Defence/CGDA)
Status report regarding revision of PPOs of pre-2016 pensioners as per 7th CPC, as on date is as under:-
Mins /DepttTotal no. of casesRevised authority issuedPPOs pending for revision
CPAO9.06 lakh5,13,1602.44 lakh
CGDA Defence Civilian4,95,5411,52,41741984
Status report from Department of Telecom is awaited.
15.Item no. (30.2) of the 30th SCOVA minutes 

Payment of arrears accruing in respect of deceased pensioners/family pensioners to nominee/legal heir

It was informed that the payment of lifetime arrears of such cases is covered by para 23.2 and para 23.3 of the Scheme Booklet of CPAO. As per this para payment isto be made by bank to the nominee by a bank pay order after making suitable note on both halves of PPO. CPAO was advised to direct all banks to take action accordingly in these cases.

(Action: CPAO and DoPPW)
It is observed that on death of the pensioners/family pensioners, the pension account is closed by the bank and the balance amount in the account of pensioners/family pensioners is paid to the nominees/legal heirs. However, it is observed that the life time arrears arising subsequently on account of Pay Commission, etc. are not paid to the nominees/legal heirs of the deceased pensioners/family pensioners either on account of the fact that the pension/family pension is not revised by the concerned Pension Sanctioning Authority (PSA) or the amount of arrears of revised pension/family pension is not paid due to closure of the bank account.
16.Item no. (30.3) of the 30th SCOVA minutes

Extension of benefit of modified parity/revision of pension by pay fixation method to pensioners drawing Compulsory retirement pension/Compassion ate Allowance (on dismissal/removal)

DOPPW informed that a proposal it his regard was under examination of Department of Expenditure.

(Action:- DOPPW and Department of Expenditure)
Department of Expenditure

Reply has already been sent to DoPPW vide DoE’s ID note dated 21.05.2018.

A fresh proposal has been referred to Department of Expenditure on 16.08.2019 for their consideration based on a decision taken in the recent JCM meeting.
17.Item No. (30.5) of the 30th SCOVA minutes 

Revision of CGHS package rates suitable for attracting more private hospitals for empanelment.

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that the process for revision of CGHS package rates for medical facilities in private empanelled hospitals has already been initiated and a new formula has been proposed in this regard for finalisation of rates. This is likely to attract more private hospitals for empanelment under CGHS.

(Action: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare)
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Empanelment of private hospitals under CGHS is a continuous process. Revision of rates is an administrative matter. Many Hospitals and Diagnostic Centres are applying for empanelment under CGHS at the current rates in all CGHS cities. As on 31.07.2019, a total of 681 private hospitals, 374 Eye Centres, 176 Dental Clinics and 229 Diagnostic Centre and Imaging Centres are empanelled under CGHS.
18.Item (30.7) of the 30th SCOVA minutes 

Difference in Last Rank held and Rank for Pension in the case of pre-2006 military pensioners.

Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare informed that the pension of pre-2006 pensioners was fixed w.r.t the pay scale of the rank which was held by pensioner for a minimum of 10 months. However, the condition of 10 months service in the rank is not applicable in the case of post- 2006 retirees. It is in this background that different criteria has been fixed for fixing of rank pension in the case of pre and post-2006 pensioners. DoPPW clarified that in the case of civil pensioners for revision of pre- 2016 pensioners, orders have been issued for fixation of notional pay with respect of the last pay/pay scale of the pensioners, even if that pay was drawn for one day only.

Pensioners associations were asked to send detailed references bringing out all issues to Department of Ex- servicemen Welfare. Department of Ex-service Welfare will examine the issue afresh and take an appropriate decision in this respect, in consultation with Department of Expenditure.

(Action: Department of Ex- servicemen Welfare)
Ministry of Defence

The matter has been resolved with Ministry of Defence letter dated 30.09.2016, wherein, it is provided that the consolidated revised pension/ordinary family pension of all pre-2006 Armed Forces pensioners/Family pensioners w.e.f 01.01.2006 shall not be less than 50% and 30% respectively of the minimum of the pay in the Pay band plus Grade Pay corresponding to the pre-revised scale from which the pensioner had retired/ discharged/ invalided out/ died including Military Service Pay and ‘X’ group pay, if any, without pro-rata reduction of pension even if they had rendered qualifying service of less than 33 years at the time of retirement.
29.Item (30.8) of the 30th SCOVA minutes 

Extension of benefit of Composite Hospitals to CAPF personnel.

Ministry of Home Affairs informed that at present, retiring CAPF and AR personnel can opt only one of the following three medical options:-

(i) CGHS facility for both IPD and OPD treatment

(ii) CGHS facility for IPD and FMA for OPD facility.

(iii) CAPF Medical Cover from Composite Hospitals.

MHA stated that they would consider the proposal of extending medical facility in composite hospitals to retired CAPF personnel covered under CGHS without charging any additional fee, provided the pensioners do not avail FMA facility. MHA was requested to examine and to take a decision in the matter at the earliest.

(Action :- MHA)
Ministry of Home Affairs
Directorate General (BSF) vide UO Note dated 02.08.2019 has informed that the issue was forwarded to all retired CAPF Associations listed with this HQ and with all DDOs down level to filed formation through mail on 03.05.2018 and 09.05.2018 respectively for their information and further necessary action.
31st Meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS (PP) to be held on September 05,2019
New Agenda Items

Negligence by the Departments / Banks for disposals of grievances of Pensioners within reasonable time.

It has been prescribed in CPENGRAMs that grievances shall be disposed of within 2 months by a reasoned reply. The application is transferred to the concerned department for action. Many a times, Ministries/ Departments forward the grievance to its subordinate/attached offices and mark it disposed without any finality. No follow-up action is taken by the administrative Ministry/Department for which the Pensioners suffer enormously. Due to this modus operandi of disposal of grievance, it is requested that there should be on effective intervention of DoPPW and periodical monitoring system may be developed. It will make portal effective and meaningful for grievance redressal.

(Action: All Ministries/Departments)

Simplification of Procedure for grant of Family Pension in some Railway Divisions and Workshops.

In some Railway Divisions & Workshops the eligible dependent applicants for Family Pension are facing difficulties to prove her/his dependency criteria. The authorities are not ready to follow the orders issued by DoPPW OM 45/51/97-P&PW(E) dated 05.03.1998 on Dependency Criteria. They say that those who are getting any income which is more than Rs. 2550/- are not dependent and are therefore not eligible for formulation whereas, as on date the minimum income for dependency as Rs. 9000 + 12% DR (i.e Rs. 10,080). They are not accepting self-declaration regarding income by the claimant in case of private employed persons. As such it is requested to formulate the documents to be submitted with simplified format of application, reiterating the dependency criteria.

(Action:-Ministry of Railways)

Improvement of Health Care facilities required for Railway Pensioners/RELHS beneficiaries:

(a) Authorisation of Doctors of Railway Health Units for referral to empanelled private hospitals:

Railway Board vide its orders No.2018/Trans Cell/Health/Medical issues dated 24-1-2019 has decided that the Railway Beneficiaries may be referred for treatment & Investigation to private empanelled and other Government Hospitals by “two Doctors”. This has left out the Single Doctor Health Units in cities like Chandigarh as not being authorised to refer the cases to Empanelled specialized Hospitals and thus compelling the Railway Beneficiaries to travel long distances from such cities, towns & areas which have “Single” Doctor Health Units to reach out to the two authorized Doctors to get a referral for an ailing patient. The hardship thus continues for majority of Old age patients to get the requisite treatment. It is requested
that in such cases, the Single Doctor of Railway Health Units may be authorized to refer the RELHS beneficiaries to private empanelled hospitals.

(b) Special provisions for Treatment of RELHS Beneficiaries who are above 80 years of age
Guidelines for special provision to CGHS Beneficiaries aged 80 years and above and issued vide MoH&FW OM No.Z–16025/98/2017/CGHS-III dated 11-7-2017. In view of this, similar guidelines may be issued by Ministry of Railways for RELHS beneficiaries who are 80 years and above.

(c) Waiving of condition of Referral from Railway Doctor of RELHS beneficiaries for OPD Consultation & treatment in Government Hospitals:

It is requested that RELHS beneficiaries be not required to get a referral from Railway Doctor for treatment in Centre or State Government Hospitals.

(Action: Ministry of Railways)

Regarding deletion of Note 3 below pension rule - 34 - Average emoluments

As per the Note 3 below Rule 33 and Note 3 below Rule 34 of CCS(Pension) Rules, an increment earned during currency of the earned leave after 120 days is not taken into account as emoluments/average emoluments for the purpose of pension. It is requested that this condition of increment having been earned within the 120 days of earned leave may be dispensed with and increment earned during the currency of leave, irrespective of the duration, may be taken inito account as part of emoluments/average emoluments for pension.
(Action: DOPPW)

Revision of pension/family pension under 7th CPC in terms of Do P&PW OM dated 12th May, 2017 in respect of the pensioners who were in receipt of compulsory retirement pension and compassionate allowance under Rules 40 and 41 of CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972

Do P&PW OM No.38/37/2016-P&PW(A) dated 12-5-2017 , issued in implementation of 7th CPC recommendation states vide Para 11 that the orders contained therein are not applicable for the purpose of revision of pension of those pensioners who were drawing compulsory retirement pension under Rule 40 of the or compassionate allowance under Rule 41 of the CCS (Pension) Rules and pensioners in these categories would continue to be entitled to revised pension in accordance with the instructions contained in O.M. dated 4.8.2016. In the 5th and 6th Pay Commissions also, the benefit of pension @ 50% of the minimum pay of pay-scale was not extended to such pensioners who were compulsorily retired or were dismissed/retired from service. It is requested that these orders may be reviewed and all benefits of pension revision may be extended in the case of compulsory retirement pension as well as compassionate allowance.

(Action: DOPPW)

Booking of Holiday Homes for Central Government Pensioners-enhancement of time limit from 30 days to 60 days.

Different time limit (60 & 30 days) has been fixed for serving and retired Central Govt. employees for booking of Holiday Homes.

In order to get confirmed journey tickets and better tour planning, it is requested to enhance the time limit from 30 days to 60 days for retired Central Govt. employees also.

(Action: Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs)

Formal approval to Chandigarh Administration for allotment of plot to CGHS, Chandigarh.

The Ministry of Home Affairs may be directed to convey formal approval to Chandigarh Administration, to allot the earmarked Plot to CGHS, Chandigarh, at reserve price without further delay to address the problem of the CGHS patients, who are facing acute problems in getting proper medical facilities. The CGHS authorities, as also Chandigarh Administration has been taking up this point with MHA for almost 8 or 9 years, but there is no positive response from MHA.
(Action: Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Health & FW)

Curtailing of investigations prescribed by specialists of empanelled hospitals.

It is observed that often investigations prescribed by specialist of CGHS empanelled private hospitals are curtailed by the Medical Officers of the Wellness Center at various places without any specific reasons on record which creates doubt in the mind and is not in the interest of wellness of the beneficiaries. Necessary instructions may be issued to mitigate such situations.
(Action: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare)

No direct consultation with NIA, Jaipur

The beneficiaries are not allowed to consult directly the apex institution in Ayurveda i.e “National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur” (a body of AYUSH Department) without reference of Ayurveda Physician. The medicines prescribed by Ayurvadic Physician are also denied, this should be looked into and suitable instructions may be issued in this regard.
(Action: Ministry of Health &Family Welfare/ Ministry of AYUSH)

Regular appointment of regular Gr, C & D (Technical) and Administrative staff in the CGHS Dispensary at Dehradun.

The CGHS Dispensary at Dehradun was opened in 2004 with the help of out-sourced staff. No effort has been initiated by CGHS/Ministry of Health & Family Welfare to appoint the regular staff at CGHS Dehradun. The issue was raised in the 27th SCOVA meeting held 13-10-2015. The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare informed in the 27th SCOVA meeting that the “process of appoint regular staff has been initiated”. Further, some Administrative posts including MTS have been approved by ministry of health and family welfare in the month of November 2017. However, the dispensary continues to run with the service of out-sourced employees. It is requested that the Gr. C &D (Technical) and Administrative posts sanctioned for CGHS Dehradun may be filled on regular basis without any further delay.

(Action- Ministry of Health and Family Welfare)

CGHS contribution at the rates prevailing while the old P&T pensioners retired from service

The P&T Pensioners were precluded from joining CGHS due to the orders of the Health Ministry for a long time. P & T dispensaries have been merged with CGHS dispensaries and P&T employees/pensioner have been extended the CGHS facility on the recommendations of the 7th CPC. Now it is not reasonable and justifiable to ask the old Pensioners to pay subscription as per the rates revised after 7th CPC. It is requested that they may be permitted to remit the rates prevailed during the time of their retirement.

(Action: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare)

CGHS Facility for BSNL Pensioners at rates prevalent at the time of formation of BSNL in 1999

At the time of formation of BSNL in 1999, BSNL pensioners were allowed to enroll themselves under CGHS. Accordingly, many pensioners had come under CGHS and obtained CGHS cards. But later when the medical reimbursement scheme was started under BSNL many CGHS card holders of BSNL joined the new BSNL scheme by surrendering their CGHS cards as the medical reimbursement scheme was being more beneficial. But while surrendering CGHS cards, the registration amount deposited by them had not been refunded.

Now, the situation is that BSNL medical reimbursement scheme has become unattractive due to paucity of funds and many beneficiaries would like to go back to the CGHS facility. Therefore it is urged that the intending BSNL pensioners may be allowed to enroll themselves under CGHS by accepting the rates prevalent at the time of formation of BSNL in 1999. Those already enrolled under CGHS had surrendered their cards may be allowed to continue to avail the CGHS facility without any fresh registration fee as they had already deposited the fee with the CGHS.
(Action: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare)

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