Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad
Hon’ble Minister for Communications,
Government of India.
1st Floor, Sanchar Bhawan, Ashok Road,
New Delhi- 110001
No. CHQ/POA/1-3/2020-21 Dated 4.05.2020
Respected Sir,
The Postal officers Association (India) would like to bring to the kind notice of Hon’ble Minister, the following pending issues relating to the cadre of Sr./Supdt. Of Post Offices for causing early necessary action.
(A) Issue of common orders for grant of GP of Rs. 5400/- immediate on completion of regular service in GP of Rs.4800/- earned under MACP in view of decision on review petition (civil) no. 2512 of 2018 in civil appeal no. 8883 of 2011 with review (c) no. 2519 of 2018 in SLP (C) No. 17576/2017. .
In view of a decision on review petition (civil) no. 2512 of 2018 in civil appeal no. 8883 of 2011 with review (c) no. 2519 of 2018 in SLP (C) No. 17576/2017 the department has unnecessarily relegated the file to back seat instead of issuing common orders. The department is implementing the decision in piecemeal for the officers filing court cases only instead of issuing common orders as done by other departments. This is not only enhancing the sense of discontentment due to non-settlement of the same but also pull our members towards unnecessary litigations causing unnecessary expenditure of department and our members too besides wastage of time.
This association wrote numerous letters on this issue to Postal Directorate, copy of main communication is appended as Annex-I but implementation is still pending due to not clearing the file by Finance wing of department who has vested interest. In the extent case DoPT has already passed orders for implementation of Hon’ble court orders to the similarly placed officers of not only other departments but of our department also but selectively for the officers who are taking legal remedial.
Since this was one of the vulnerable issues so after discussion in the CWC meeting held in Ayodhyaji, it was decided by the house to request the department to issue common orders for grant of GP of Rs. 5400/- on completion of four years of service in 4800/- as done in the cases who have taken legal measures. Accordingly, Case was taken with Secretary Posts but unfortunately, department has not taken the final decision up-till now. Copy of the resolution was submitted to the department vide letter attached as Annex-II. Now the hope is on our kind honour for early settlement.
(B) Request for issue of orders to grant financial benefits on 01/01/2006 to senior IPs, ASPs and Group B officers consequent upon placing IPs & ASPs in the same scale.
Members of the Postal Officer Association (India) have been raising their concern for not settling the issue regarding grant of financial benefit to senior ASPs w.e.f 1-1-2006 but Postal Directorate is silent despite several requests from the staff side. The crux of the case is that consequent upon court verdict various orders like (i) placing of Inspector of Posts (IP) in the Grade Pay of Rs 4,600/- from Rs 4,200/- w.e.f. 01-01-2006 on par with next hierarchical promotional Gazetted Post i.e. Assistant Superintendent of Posts (ASP) and (ii) grand of one increment in the same scale on promotion to next hierarchical Post of ASP cadre have been issued by the department of Post for those who joined the department just after 2006 with all consequential benefits including arrears. These beneficiaries are being allowed the provisions of MACP at the upgraded level. Whereas far-far seniors who were working as ASPs on 1-1-2006, now Postal Service Group B officers have been placed in a detrimental and disadvantageous position. It is pertinent to mention here that many of our senior members are still working at level 8 whereas the juniors have been placed at level 9 on allowing the benefit of 3rd MACP. It is a clear cut case of discrimination.
Communication made to Secretary Post in this regard is attached as Annex –III. Copy of resolution passed in CWC and submitted to the department is attached as Annex-IV.
Sir, it ought to be mentioned here that ours is the middle-level executive officers of the Department, who plays a pivotal role in the execution of all the policy decisions of the department. PS Group B officers are now being made as to the stem for implementation of the IT modernization project of India Post, which is expected to bring a paradigm change in the way department functions. These executives are supposed to operationalize approximately 4.5 lakh trained manpower of Department of Posts including Gramin Dak Sevaks. Sir it will not be wrong to say that all responsibilities are evolved on us and when it turns of extending financial benefit or career progression, the finance wing of this department creates hurdles after hurdles even in the implementation of Hon’ble court orders.
It is pertinent to mention here that even during the covid-19 outbreak our officers have played pivotal rules for making arrangements of point to point delivery of medicines and making AePS payment to the needy at their doorstep. We are doing all this risking our life. This sincerity can be adjudged from the fact that we have lost one of our dynamic SSPOs. He dies of corona while working for the department at Dhule (Maharashtra). Though he was suffering from various diseases but denied leave by PMG Aurangabad and worked under odd circumstances. Copy of the press clipping is attached that will speak itself about our sincerity.
The Association therefore approach your kind honour and fervently requests the Hon’ble Minister to restore the lost ground by directing the department to settle long pending genuine issues pertaining to officers association so that they can function as effectively as ever and take an active part in the process of quick transformation of the department.
With profound regards
Yours Sincerely
R N Yadav
General Secretary
Postal Officer Association
Copy to
1. Secreatary Post Dak Bhawn Sansad Marg New Delhi
2. The ADG(PPC), Dak Bhawan New Delhi-110001
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