Thursday, 21 January 2021

Improvement of POSB Account opening performance of GDS Branch Post Offices

 Improvement of POSB Account opening performance of GDS Branch Post Offices

Now GDS BPM can apply for SAS agency in terms of rule 16 of standard agency system, 1959

This is regarding implementation of remaining National Savings Schemes ( PPF / MIS / SCSS / NSC / KVP ) in GDS Branch Post Offices vide SB Order No. 27/2020 dated 23.07.2020 .

The process was further facilitated vide SB Order No. 32/2020 dated 23.09.2020 allowing investment through withdrawal form ( SB - 7 ) in GDS Branch Post Offices till these schemes are made available in DARPAN device 

However , number of accounts opened in BOs under above schemes since July 2020 is not encouraging and there is a need to take further steps to encourage GDS BPMS to open more such accounts in their BОs . One such step could be to encourage GDS BPMs to apply for SAS agency in terms of Rule 16 of Standard Agency System , 1959. 

GDS BPMs are eligible to apply for and get SAS agency in terms of Rule 3 ( a ) of the Standard Agency System , 1959. Circles may also approach State Governments for issuance of SAS agency to the GDS BPMs . Text of rule 3 ( a ) and rule 16 of ' Standardised agency System - 1959 ' is reproduced below for reference : - 3.

Eligibility : - ( a ) Adults Individuals , E.D.B.P.Ms. Registered Co - operative Societies , Scheduled Banks , Registered Social Service Organisations , Universities , Gram Panchayats and Institutions specially approved by the Government will be eligible for appointment as authorised agents . The list of persons , institutions , etc. eligible for appointment as agents will be notified by the respective State Governments in view of its prevailing local conditions which may differ from state to state keeping in view the model instructions issued by Government of India from time to time . An individual selected for appointment should be a person of substance having wide contacts and sufficiently educated to transact the agency business . He / she must be a person of integrity preferably owning some immovable property or well known to the authorities 

16. Extra - Departmental Branch Postmaster Agents : - They will be appointed as agents by the State Government Authorities . They will also claim the commission due to them by submitting Account Opening Form with KYC documents bill in form ( NC - 50 ) ( Annexure - 15 ) along with investor's receipts from time to time like other authorised agents , This issues with the approval of the competent authority .

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