Monday, 30 January 2023

Review of booking of International Airmail

 Review of booking of International Airmail

No. 19/7/2021-DA-DOP
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110 001 Dated: 25.01.2023


Subject: Review of booking of International Airmail.
The undersigned is directed to convey that after reviewing the current mail transmission situation, it has been decided to resume booking of International Air Parcel and letter (LC/AO) mail services for the countries as per list attached as Annexure-1.

2. Circles shall bring this to the notice of all the customers. The delivery of articles may not be possible as per the delivery standards mentioned in the Citizens' Charter of India Post or the standards agreed upon and published otherwise due to the restricted availability of International flights and required space thereon as a result of limited global international air operations in the aftermath of Covid pandemic.

(Ram Naresh Sikaria)

1. The All Heads of Circles
2. GM (CEPT), Mysore with a request to upload this OM on the India Post website and make changes in software as informed above.
3. DDG (Marketing) for wide publicity.

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