Line limits for Cash Conveyance

Rule 9 of Postal Manual Vol - VI (Part-III)

Letter number 24-3/2012-PO dated 6th October 2018


Loose cash through departmental employee

Rs 5 Lac


Departmental MMS with MTS in addition to driver for conveyance of cash in cash bags enclosed in account bag.

Rs 20 Lac


(i) Hired MMS with MTS in addition to driver for conveyance of cash in cash bags enclosed in account bag within city limits.

Rs 5 Lac

(ii) Hired MMS with MTS in addition to driver for conveyance of cash in cash bags enclosed in account bag outside city limits.

Rs 2 Lac


RMS Section/ Railways by TVP through cash bag enclosed in account bag

Rs 2 Lac


Account bag handed over to carrier in weighment system/ Road transport

Rs 40000/-


Under armed escort

No Limit


Cash through departmental employee escorted by another departmental employee

Rs 10 Lac


Cash through Branch Postmaster/ Assistant Branch Postmaster or Dak Sewak

Rs 1 Lac


Cash through BPM/ ABPM or Dak Sevak accompanied by another BPM/ ABPM or Dak Sewak

Rs 2 Lac