Circle Welfare Fund for Gramin Dak Sevaks
Subject:- Circle Welfare Fund for Gramin Dak Sevaks—regarding
Consequent upon revision in limit of financial grant/assistance &addition of various other provisions on the recommendations of Kamlesh Chandra Committee, a detailed revised scheme namely ’CWFGDS’ as mentioned below is being circulated for necessary action. This shall supersede OM No. 19-31/2012-WL/Sports, dated 17"September 2013 and letter no. 19-31/2012-WL/Sports dated 2nDecember 2013 regarding scheme of Circle Welfare Fund for Gramin Dak Sevaks.
I.1.The Scheme uill be known as Circle Welfare Fund for Gramin Dak Sevaks (CWF(iDS).
- The CWF GDS will be controlled by the Chief Postmaster
- In order to decentralize the implementation of the Scheme and to ensure fast decision making it has been decided to delegate the powers at Regional level in respect of Gramin Dak Sevaks Fund to Regional PMG's. Thus. while the Regional Funds will be operated at Regional Level there shall be only one single Circle Fund and the proportionate amount pertaining to Region will be operated by Regional PMG under the over all control of the head of Circle. Even Regional PMG should as on 1st April of every year intimate the amount of fund available for operation for Regional implementation after an audit of the disbursal. payment received, payment made from the fund has been done by an Accounts Otficer of the Circle nominated by the CPMG.
As on31.03.24. there are a total of 2.67.836* Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) who manage the rural Postal Network of 1.39.891 Branch Post Offices in the Country. Therefore, in order to look after their welfare. a Circle Welfare Fund has been set up which will be utilized exclusively for the Welfare of Gramin Dak Sevaks. The Fund will be managed and operated at Circle level by the respective Heads of Circles.
3. SCOPE Of THE Scheme
The Scheme is mandatoy andisapplicabletoallregulailjengagedGraminDak Setaksi›turkincinthePostalCircles.IheScheme»illnotcorerthCsubstitute.uorking inplaceofGlâSs.onleavcarrangementandprov'isionallengiigedGDS.
Thesubscriptiontothe fund bj eiery€Jramin DakSetakiiillbeattheuniform rateo1’Rs.40permonlh.TheannualsubscriptionofRs.480/-iillberecoieredinone lumpsuminthemontho1April(FRCAot’March)eiegjeartominimizethe
accountingiiturk.IncaseofnewljengagedGDS.theannui1subscripwtion illbe
recoieredfromhisfirstmonths'TRC A. onproportionatebasisi.e.attherateof Rs.40 permt›nth for all the months up to the tinancial jear end irre,peclive of the date on which GDSjoins in a month.
TheScheme will come into force iiiih eftéct from 01.07.2024. The concerned unitsintheCirclesshouldcommence recoveryoftheamountor’'ubscription ‹differenceofnew subscriptionmite›from olcl siihs‹’riation rates for curreIt financial vear) for9 months of the financial iear 2024-25 (front Julj. 2024 to March. 2025) in one lump sum, i.e. Rs. 180 (Rs. 4(J*9Rs.20*9) trom the TRCA of ersuing month of 2024. Thereafter.subscriptionisillbe regulatedasperPara 5 t›fthe Scheme.
the Annual subscription » ill be recovered from all the eligible Gramin Dak Sevaks bjthe Accounts Branch of the Head Post Of'fice. The Heatl Post Olfice iiill remitthecollectionstc›theTreasurer oftheManaginR Committee.ahungwiththelist of members.categoy -» ise.underintimationto their SSPOs SPOs SSRM/SRM etc. SimilarproceduremajbeadoptedmutatismutandisincaseofSItO/IJR€Iof’RMS.The Accounts Branch of the Head Post t0ffice s1it›uld maintain the register of GDSand ensure reco›cryctegnearinthe month ofAprilinonelump sum.
- .TheGramin Dak Setaks iiill applj liar financial assistance under theScheme in theprescribedPerform theControllingAuthoritandDivisionalHeadshouldreport the factot'thedeathot'themembersattheearliestalongiiithan aJ›plicationandattested copjot‘deathcertificate tothe Secretayof theManaging Comrnittee. dulycertifying thefactsOlthereRularcontributionpaidbj thedeceased.Incaseo1accidentaldeath. the additional details in the prescribed Ferraris as required art to be obtained and formardedforFinancialAssistance. Incaseof’Ma.i rSurgical £Operations. theForms anddetailsbefortarded duljsupportedbjctidenceot operationandcertificate etc.
- the applications uill be decided on first come first serve The date to be takenintoaccountnillbethedateofapplicationofGDS.4heapplicantscannot beheld responsible fior administrative delayin fortarding hiscase to Divisional office. Thus. in the Circle/Regional office the date of submission of application by GDS to his controlling Officer will be taken as date of priority.
- The Divisional Heads after verification iiill forward the application of GDSclearly giving remarks as 'Recommended'or 'Not recommended'as the case maybealong withthejustiticationinbriefslntheRegionalOffice/CircleOfficeallthe applicationsvill bescrutinized onceagainandapplications fulfillingallcriteria wlllbe retained for submission before the Committee competent to decide the The Committee should compriseofminimum threeofiicers from RO/CO.Thenon-eligible applications of applicants »ill be returned to the Divisional Heads. mentioning the ground/reasontor the same.
- TheCommitteeoillmeetonceinthreemonths e.all applications received from January toMarchwill bedecided in themeetingheld inApril.allapplicationsreceived fromApriltoJunewill bedecided inthemeetingheld inJuly.allapplicationsreceived from July to September will be decided in the meeting held in October and all applications received from OctobertoDecember uillbedecided inthemeetingheldin January. Formal minutes will be issued and circulatedtoall DivisionalHeads.
- The Circle Welfare Fund for Gramin Dak Sevaks(CWFGDS)shall be managed by the Managing Committee as per clause 10ofthe bye The Head of Region will be the final authority in deciding the cases ot financial grants to the GDS in the Region. However,theHeadoftheCirclewillbethecoordinatingandfinalauthorityinresolving all themaners related totheScheme/grants/assistance intheCircle.Thedecision ofthe Head oftheCircle in all matters regarding grants toeligible GDS will be final.
- Thepowers to make any changes in the scope ot’the Scheme will lie onlywiththe Director Posts.
- lt maybe ensured that at least trio representativesof Staff Union of GDS or in casetherearenosuch staffrepresentatises thenanyt»oGDS havinggood knowledge ofWelfare Schemes/rules and ability topresent thecasesofotherGDSareincluded in the GDS Welfare Committee as Members at Circle and Regional level while scrutinizing and deciding the
AllGraminDakSevaksareeligibleforbenefitssubjecttotheconditionthatthey have been duly engaged bj the competent authority in accordance to the laid down procedure of the Department and the engagement orders of the GDS are available on record.
- The Scheme » ill becontrihuttiqin iiith a comporent t›l grant-in-aid from CentralPostalWehareI°und tit the l3epariment.
- EachGramin Dak Seead iiill contribute 40permonth and iinnual subscription ofRs.480 - iiill be recoered in addance in ‹me lump sum in April cxeryjear trom the TRCAof’March.As c•xample: -
(a) | Amountpermonthtobecontributedhjeach GDSemployec- | Rs4O- |
(b) | Yearlyctintribution- | Rs.40X12- 11s.480 |
(c) | lnoneCirclcii’thereare10.000tiDS.then annualcontributioniiillbe | Rs.480X10.t)00=Rs.48,00.000 |
(d) | GDS entering service at age of 18 years anc retiring at 65jears i.e. total 47 jears u il contribute an amount of | Rs.480X47=Rs.22560 |
An amountotRs.200 per GDS per year (on the basis ofactualworking GDSs) will be granted from the Central Welfare Fund to each Circl: as one time Annual contribution on recurring basis. For example. if a particular Circle is having 10.000 GraminDakSeeaks›iorkingason31'MarchofthatparticularjearthenRs.
20.00.000 -(10.000* Rs.200=Rs20.00.000 -)›iill be contributedbjthe Central Welfare Fund of the Directorate to that Circle for the £inancial Year UIIing thereafter. In the financialyear 2024-25,contributionfromCentralWelfarefoundwouldbe made @Rs.175/-perGDS|Rs25perGDSforperiodofApril2f'24toJune2024and Rs. 150 per GDSfor period ofJuly 2024 to March 2025]. From April 2025onwards contributionwouldbemadeeRs.200per GDSperyear as .detailedabove.
The Circle fi"elfare 1 und for CiraininDak Setaks i ill hase three main components as under: -
- FinancialGrant-ThedetailsaregiseninPara
- Financial assistance bj» a›o1“ loan of locier rate ofinterest'‹i5°ñ per The details are giseninPara15.
- One time repaymentat the lime of‘retirement -theannoy nt » illbe grantedtothose GDS who hase nt›t atailedanjfinancialthedeiailsure gisenin Para16.
- 1UnderthisSchemetheFinancial(Grant» illbeprovicedunderfollowing heads/items: -
i. | FinancialAssistancetofamiliesot deceased GDSs to meet immediate expensesfollov'ingdeath.irrespectiveof whetherdeathoccursduringduty/outside dutyhours. | Rs.l1,000/- | |
| Financialassistanceincaseofdeathdueto terroristor extremistactinif . ishile on duty | Rs.1,65,000/- | |
3. | Financial Assistance incaseot death ofGDSsdueterrorists/extremistactivity whilenotonduty. | Rs.13.200/- | |
4. | FinancialAssistanceincaseotdeathof GDSswhilebeingondubdueloaccident | Rs.27,500/- | |
5. | Funeral Expenses on death of GDS (payableincasesin»hichlastritesof deceasedGDS areperformedbybrothers orsisters ornear relativesintheabsence of anj other next of kin) | Rs.5.500/- | |
6. | Financial Assistance incaseotmajor surgical operations in ailments. like Cancer, brain haemorrhage. kidney failure/transplant.heartsurgesetc. | Rs.22.000/- | |
7. | FinancialAssistanceincaseofaccident ofGDSwhilebeingonduty.requiring hospitalizationformore thanthreedays | Rs.5,500/- | |
8. | FinancialAssistancefornutritionaldietto GDSsuffering from TB(only once for a maximumperiodotsixmonths,provided the GDShas put in at least six years of service &treatmentistakenin government hospital.) | IndoorTreatment-Rs.440p.m. OutdoorTreatment-Rs.220p.m. | |
9. | rantofScholarshipundereducational SchemestothechildrenofGDS(asper misting terms&conditions). | IIT.AlIMSand IIM | Rs.1100/pm |
TechnicalEducation | |||
(i)Degree | Rs.308/p.m. | ||
(ii)Diploma | Rs.209/p.m. | ||
Non-TechnicalDegree | |||
BA/BSc/B.Coin/ Degree in fine Arts | Rs.l65/p.m. | ||
ITI Certificate Courses | Rs.1034/p.a | ||
10. | ncentive tor cxcellence in acaderrlic achiesementtor10'"and12"1class. | I" I't›sitit›n in the Circ1e!Itegi‹an-Rs.1100-
2"‘ P.›siti‹›n in the Circle/Region-Rs.880/- 3" Pt›sition in the Circle/Region-Rs.77(1/-
4" P‹›sition in the CircleRegion-Rs.6fi0'- 5" Pt sition in the Circle Reg on-Rs.550 - |
11. | Scholarshiplorph}sicall}handicapped childrenot’GDS (formaxirrlum8 ears&as per the existing terms &conditions) | Rs.220p.rn |
| MaternityErrantto ixomanfiDS | -Deleted- AsperletterNo.15-1/2016- WI.&Sp dated 29.08.2(Il8 this assistance is orerridden bj O.M No. 17-31/2016-GDS dated 27.06.2tJ18 issued by Estab1ishmi:nt Dir ision. |
| FinancialAssistanceincasesot‘natural calamities.likelire.floodsetc. | Rs.5.500- |
I4. | Financial Assistance in case of GDS sufiferingtroirCCIVID (Alterconsiderationt›fgravityoflhecase bjthe Headr›f Circle) | Rs.50.00(I- (Relcrence to (Order No. 20- 8/2020-WI. RSp‹ rts dated 15.09.2021 ) |
- Theabo›e-mentionedfinancialgrants»illbesubjectto‹ndGovernedby terms and conditions as encl‹ised at Annexure
- Anindieidualixillbeeligibleon1jonceforfinancialgrantunderaparticularhead and cannot applj more than one time tor the same purpose for same
I5.1Under this Scheme the GDSiiill heeligible for loan at lo»er rate of interest of 5%per annum up to the maximum amount of Rs 50.000/-, deductible in maximum twenty-tw'emonthlyinstalment.’Ihe loaniillbegrantedforthe following: -
(i) | For constructionofoneroomiiithflushtoiletfacilitiest‹ir housing the Branch Post Office | Rs50.000/- |
(ii) | ForpurchaseofComputerLaptoptoencouragecoinputtir literacyamongstGHS | Rs20.000!- |
(iii) | ForpurchaseofMoped/Scooter/Motorcycleishichwill alsofacilitatetravelwhiledischargingduty likeexchangeof BO Bag, Visit to Account Office etc. | Rs20.000/- |
(ix) | Forpurchaseofmobile/tablet | Rs 10,000/- |
- TheGDSwill beeligible forloanon maximum twooccasions inhisentirecareer isith a maximum ceiling of Rs 50,000/- subject to the condition that previous loan amounthas been fullyrepaid and thereisnooutstandingloan against the
16.1AGDSwhohasnotclaimed any kind ofassistance orgrant from Circle Welfare Contributory Fund in hisentire service will be paid alump sum amount at thetime of discharge from duty.The slabs for payment will beas under: -
S.No | Service | Amounttobepaid |
(i) | Lessthan5jears | NoAmount |
(ii) | 5yearsfromthedateofstartofcontribution | Rs.1000/- |
(iii) | 105earsfromthedateofstartot’contribution | Rs.2000/- |
(iv) | 15yearsfromthedateofstartofcontribution | Rs.3000/- |
(x) | 20yearsfromthedateofstartofcontribution | Rs.4500/- |
(vi) | 25yearsfromthedateofstartot contribution | Rs.5500/- |
(vii) | 30yearsfromthedateofstartotcontribution | Rs.6500/- |
(viii) | 35yearsfromthedateofstartofcontribution | Rs.8000/- |
| 40jearsfromthedateofstartofcontribution | Rs.9000/- |
| Morethan45yearstromthedateofstartoi contribution | Rs.11000/- |
The Sanction orders »ill be issued by the Chief PMGs/ Regional PMGs. However.theRegionalPMGs will.attheendoftheyearsubmitalistofofficialsalong with amount granted under the Circle Welfare Scheme to the Chief PMG for information. In case of payment of funeral expenses. the payment may be ordered by the local controlling authority pending ex-post facto sanction by the competent authority.
18.1TheRegional PMGatthecloseofeachFinancial YearshallsubmittotheCPMG, theAccountsofreceiptsandexpenditure latest by15"April.Thisexercisewill bedone by CPMG also in respect of Divisions/ Units under his direct control. Thereafter the ChiefPMG will send theconsolidated Accounts fortheCircleasawhole dulyaudited in respect of Circle Welfare Fund for GDS tothe Director (Welfare &Sports) in the Directorate.
15.2AcertificatethattheCiDSWelfareFund tortheYearhasbeenauditedandfound correct shall be furnished tothe Postal Directorate »ithin one: mtinth ofAuditing of Accounts.
- ‘The acct›unts o1 the mind shall be audited annuallybjhe I&CAudit/ bi anj personautlioriredbitiM(F)/l9Al'.asthecasein theCircletinorbetore30* June ofeachYear.
1S.4hCilCCouniso1 the lundsshallalst›bechecked annuall,bj theInternal Check OrganizationtittherespectiveCirclesbetoretheAuditInspectiontakesplace.
19.1thedisbursement o1amount totheCiDfialterduescruiin› andapproxa1of the competentauthorityiiillbemade throughissueotsanctionords:rs.
I9.2‘theamountcontributed tromthe4RCAOfbâDSwillbedepositedinaseparate San ingsAccount.
I9.3TheAnnualCirantstorCiDSCategoyi›illbedisbursedfiramtheCentral Welfare Fundo1theDirectorateto the Circle\\elIare Iund forGDS.Rio»ever. in caseofany ambieuiyin terms. conditions and an› other aspect of Schcme. particularij. xv.r.t FinancialCirants.1istedunderPara14.Iotthisorder.theactiontlecisionshallbeguided and governed bjiarious ‹orders,issuedbjthe Directorate. onthe item/ subject and uhich rna;rurtherbeissuedinfuture.
19.4Orderscontaining provisionsabout daj today administering of’Scheme. terms andconditionsforgrantsloanandI'rofinonofiariousapplicati‹›nstonnsareenclosed in annexurcs.
All CPMsG All PMsG
(Sunita) Direcior(Welfare&Sports)
- 1. PStoHon'bleMinisterofCommunications/PStoHon'bleMinisterofStatefor
- PPStoSecretary(Posts)/PPStoDirectorGeneral
- PPS/PStoAdditionalDirectorGeneral(Coordination)/AllMembersofPostalServices
- AS&FA/DDG (PAF)/Sr.DDG (Vigilance)&CVO/MD&CEO,IPPB/Director, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai NationalPostal Academy,Ghaziabad.
- AllDDsG/GMs/Secretary(PSB).
- GM(CEPT),Mysore, witharequest
- AllGeneralManagers(Finance)/DirectorsPostalAccounts/DDAP.
- AllDirectors,PostalTraining
- AllSectionj,DakBhawan(ThroughE-officeNoticeBoard).
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