Terms of reference of 8th CPC – Suggestions by Indian Railways Technical Supervisors’ Association (IRTSA) vide letter 04.02.2025 addressed to The Secretary, Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training.
No:IRTSA/Memo/7/8th CPC
The Secretary
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training.
Respected Sir,
Sub: Suggestions for terms of reference of 8th CPC.
Ref: Dy. Secy (JCA) letter No.6/1/2025-JCA, dated 23.01.2025.
Following suggestions are submitted for the composition of 8th CPC and for the terms of reference for 8th CPC.
Composition of 8th CPC
1) Commission may be headed by a retired or serving Judge of the Supreme Court.
2) One of the members of the Commission may be a Technocrat.
3) One of the members of commission may be a serving member of Railway Board to project the special conditions prevailing therein.
Following points may be included in terms of reference for 8th CPC in addition to terms of reference of 7th CPC
4) Release of withheld arrears of 18 months of DA/DR: To review the decision taken to withheld additional rates of Dearness Allowance payable to Central Government employees and Dearness Relief payable to Central Government Pensioners & Family Pensioners due from 1st January 2020, 1st July 2020 and 1st January 2021.
5) Merger of 50% Dearness Allowance (DA) and Dearness Relief (DR): To decide and recommend merger of 50% DA & DR to Central Government Employees & Pensioners/ Family Pensioners as on 01.01.2024 up to implementation of 8th CPC recommendations.
6) Interim Relief: To decide on interim relief of Pay /Pension/ family Pension from1.1.2026 till the revised pay & pension are paid if 8th CPC recommendations are not implemented from 01.01.2026, due to heavy inflation & to compensate for the shortcomings in compilations of price index & other.
7) Covering all Central Government employees in OPS: To examine and recommend modalities to cover all Central Government employees in Old Pension Scheme with objective of ensuring assurance in the old age and the employees would not be left in the lurch after retirement.
8) Anomalies: To review and recommend solutions for anomalies regarding pay level, increment, pay fixation, promotions, MACPS, retirement benefits, etc, pending for many years without sufficient negotiation with staff side.
9) Court cases: To study and recommend about thousands of cases pending in Central Administrative Tribunals, High Courts and the Supreme Court related to pay, allowances, pay fixation, MACPS, promotions, increments, following reservation policy, pension, pension commutation, restoration of full pension after recovery of commutated value of pension, transfers, etc. 8th CPC should quantify and classify pending court cases and to give its recommendations to clear court cases.
10) Work measurement & Bench Marking: To recommend on work measurement and bench marking of all jobs in Central Government.
Thank You
Yours’ truly
General Secretary, IRTSA
Copy for kind information
1) Secretary Railway Board, New Delhi.
2) Deputy Secretary (JCA), DoPT.
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