India Posts’ Retired Officers’
Association is a voluntary organization formed after having successfully completed the
initial formalities in three sittings at the lounge at Dadar IQ on the
followings dates: 1. 30/01/2015 2.
04/03/2015 3. 18/04/2015
The scope of the Association is for retired
officers of India Posts, with particular focus towards those retired officers
of Maharashtra Circle comprising States of Maharashtra and Goa.
The concept of forming this
Association is keep together the officers of the Department who have spent a
life time while in service and who generally drift away as individual units
after retirement in isolation of one’s own family. They need to have a
community life more at this stage of their life and that is fulfilled by our
Association by bringing together on a common platform so that they can
continue their camaraderie with their longtime friends. The
move is intended to bring together under one umbrella all those officers who
retired from the Dept., of Posts. This gives us a sense of identity after the
retirement that we are all bound by our long common link when we were in
service. Such a long oneness we had in past shall continue post retirement
too through this Association. Our gathering at regular intervals helps to
keep the social bond built over decades of togetherness.Such
Associations for our retired officers are functioning very successfully in
many Postal Circles of India Posts, but not in our Circle.
An attempt was made to appeal to our officers last year and we found
favorable response in Mumbai. Hence this Association came into being.
The main duties and responsibilities of the
Association are: 1.
To attend to all the issues pertaining to the members of the Association with
regard to their pensionary and other benefits, individual or collective,
within the frame work of the Central Government Rules and Regulations in force.
2. To look after the welfare needs of the members 3.
To support any activity for the community of Senior Citizens.
The membership of the Association is open
to any person who retired as a Gazetted Officer of India Posts which includes
ASPO/ASRMs who have gazette status.
Admission Fee:
Rs 200/- Ordinary Member: Any retired Gazetted
Officer of India Posts who pays an annual subscription of Rs 400/-shall be an
ordinary member of association
Life Member: Any retired
Gazetted Officer of India Posts who pays at any time 10 times the annual
membership in force at the time of application for life membership becomes a
Life Member thereafter.
As on date there are 51Retired Officers in
Mumbai who have enrolled as members. More retired officers have shown
interest and they will be added in due course.
The Association completed the initial formalities for its formation of
last year, in 2015. A few meetings held thereafter at Mumbai have
strengthened the resolve to consolidate the gains of formation of this
The last meeting was held on Wednesday the
06-04-2016 at Bungalow No.07/01, Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Western Express
Highway, Borivali East, Mumbai- 400066 under the Chairmanship of Shri R.
Ganesan Ex-Secretary to Govt. of India, Director General, Posts New-Delhi and
President of the Association.
The Annual
General Body meeting was held on Saturday the 25/06/2016 at Conference Hall of Dadar I.Q. Dadar
HO Building 5th floor Dadar
Mumbai 400014 under the Chairmanship of Shri R. Ganesan Ex-Secretary to Govt.
of India, Director General, Posts New-Delhi and President of the Association.
The next
meeting is scheduled on Saturday the 22nd October 2016 at Thane.
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